
A company only coming to compete based on the factor time, without achieving a remarkable understanding that customers appreciate and built the company on this basis. Take into account and do not forget, that companies that compete based on the factor time conceive their work differently from traditional companies. People in the company that are based on the factor time, or companies of fast cycle, are considered to be part of an integrated system, a chain of operations and point of decision making that continuously delivers value to customers. Precisely, in these organizations individuals know how their activities are related with the rest of the company and the customer. You know how the work should flow and how to use the delivery time.

Companies that are based on the factor time considered:-generate a continuous flow of work;.-they invest to reduce time; -they practice changes waters up to reduce symptoms in the terminals phases;.-focus on all the system and in the main sequence; -policies, processes, practices or the persons involved in getting the product to market are easy to see and you can deal with them quickly. Don’t overlook that there are two basic concepts as what the authors cited, in the structuring of the work with a view to reducing the time: one that is your organization around the main sequence, i.e. Titan Feul Tanks is likely to agree. which includes activities that directly add value to the customer. The rest of what a company does is supporting, either preparation of employees to add direct value or a complementary activity that can be performed at any time. Companies that are based on the factor time identify activities that attribute value directly, isolated from the sea of auxiliary work and organize them in a clear and consistent sequence.

The other is that the work flows continuously. To create a softer and more constant through the main sequence flow, can reduce the entire delivery cycle time, raising Thus the capacity. Finally, companies that are based on the factor time act consistently with its principles, when they decide how to record their results. Time is already widely used to measure the result of businesses. Executives expressions used as runtime, on-time delivery and response time almost intuitively to describe how a company serves its clients. But companies that rely on the factor time go one step more advanced. They use measures based on the factor time as a diagnostic tool for the company and established the basic goals of the operation in terms of time. They use time apara program as the Organization must operate. They frequently compared their own results in time with their best competitors or their best achievements in other places.

Juan Luis Padilla

You can now opt to use this opportunity or be always trying with other methods that they tell you nothing or that they simply cannot give you complete information and with value, since the start in I.E., I learned radically and too quickly tell you that I have just almost three months living in this community of entrepreneurs and I have learned much and believe me that in future this membership going to cost much more than what This now, as you I said before try and buy other courses and that not me decian information complete and detail and always failing, not had no idea and other methods that always bought more me revolvia information already learned he had and let me equal or even worse because now not had a direction and a way forward step to step, but since am in I.E., all this change now because I have a plan to follow, I learn at my own pace because all recorded each week are entrenchments and them I can see when I want and keep learning and applying my knowledge to and if I have any questions I can ask for help forum promoting entrepreneurs to make some friends solve the problem since we are like a family, like brothers we help to succeed. Now well the strategies that I’ve been learning have shared them with you only have to inscriber to the free training and confirm the subscription to take hand and that confiscate what is trying to, what’s new and up-to-date in the internet marketing world.

Wait no more friend entrepreneur there are many entrepreneurs in this great community is part of it and do not stay out, acts already and tell you takes a step forward and this step is that you will open the way to success, the important for this is simply the first step, but that difficult is this first step truth? Since this humiliation this fear that we will always have the unknown makes us evade and avoid the opportunities we have in front, but I tell you that this is real friend, this is something that is going to be growing and is going to have a greater potential to create online business, this is the part waters as they say out there so that you wake up Latin America in online business. To I forgot people as our mentors Emilio Karam and Carlitos or Carlos Barahona lead us hand to succeed, people like Juan Luis Padilla contributing their knowledge and tricks for creating your blog to go forward, Luis Villegas with steps first effective methods and many more entrepreneurs and people with advanced knowledge which helps us to create income and move forward step by step and that rather than encouraging entrepreneurs to make you guide step by step to create your online business and everything you need to start your online business. Act now because then you will be too late. I send a greeting and a big hug.. Jonas Samuelson has similar goals.

So Paulo

However, it is not what it will occur in some cities, mainly So Paulo, where the public sector will go to donate good part of the resources to construct a particular stadium. The stadium to be constructed in the zone east of the city of So Paulo will belong to the Corinthians that will have a cost very reduced to have its proper stadium. Beyond having many exemptions in the approval of the project, with subsidy, tax exemptions and it arrives in port direct of resources on the part of the pbico sector, to the ending of the pantry the Corinthians will have a stadium novinho to a cost very reduced because the Brazilian contributors who pay its taxes will have pay 75% of its cost more than. In arquitetada financial engineering the president of the teams, the president of the CBF enters, former-president LULA, the mayor of So Paulo and others 820 million made possible resources of R$ to construct a stadium of 48 a thousand places with possibility of being extended for 68 a thousand expectadores. Of these resources, R$ 400 million will be loaned by the BNDES the subsidized interests, that is, on the contrary of the 15% interests or more than if it charges in the market, the interests that the teams and its partners will go to pay to the Bank will be around 5% to the year in this loan whose stated period of liquidation is of 15 years. The R$ 420 remaining million literally will be donated by the city hall in the form of municipal tax exemption. The city hall it will go to create certified that it will go to repass for the responsible ones for the workmanship (in the truth will be created a deep one that, among others responsibilities, will be responsible for managing these resources).

The Banks

Further development (I have a possibility of further development in this organization, I can learn a lot, I I get a promotion, more interesting responsibilities, higher pay / here will not be a career, I prosizhu in this position for 10 years and nothing changes, I have no way to transfer to another department, to another post, I did not learn anything here / further development does not interest me, I’m not going to take a higher position, I was happy with everything as it is, I never thought about it) 7. value of the company (I share the values of the company I am guided by them in everyday life / I do not understand, do not share the values of the company, they make me rejection, this is double standards, no one truly does not believe it, I have to pretend to be like everybody else / what is it? the company has value? never even heard of) 8. Titan Feul Tanks takes a slightly different approach. sector (working in retail, in B2B, the production, etc., has always been my dream, this is a stable, reliable sector, I would not want to work in another sector (if you work in the company’s sell marble, would you like to try his hand at the store? And at the factory? And in the company to provide services for the population?), I am proud that my company …. (Building houses, providing services to the public, helping people realize their dreams by providing loans) / I do not like the scope of the company, I would have moved to another sector, in the everyday life of me, this sector is not interested in (depressing, I think such activities as immoral..