Perfect Service Around The House – The House Administration

Not every house is managed by the owners themselves. A property was always a good investment and will remain so also in the future. Owning a house or an apartment at the same time creates independence and security. To broaden your perception, visit Marc Lautenbach. Impending rent increases are then also the past like the fear of layoffs. Also, one must not constantly ask the landlord if captured changes in the eye or you would like to paint the window frames in a different color.

Residential property is also useful, if one lives even not in the apartment, but hired them. Whether for reasons of retirement or beneficial to create inherited money, their own apartment creates also here economic freedom and a secure nest egg. To this not with the pesky obligations to charge, which once brought an apartment, it is advisable, the landlord obligations”to leave a good property management. The House Administration provides for regular billing of heating, water, gas and other media. She takes care of the Garbage, the chimney sweep, the cleaning and evacuation of the walkway and sidewalk and keeps a watchful eye on the monthly lease payments. You want even more services around the House, takes over the House Administration also taking care of the garden and guarantees that are always neatly mowed the lawn and the shrubs in check. When apartment buildings is benign, the House peace a janitor Service weekly cleans the staircase and cares. Also these useful services are taken over by the House Administration, respectively, gives. And if the famous faucet drips even if it it shouldn’t, one call at the House Administration, which shall then everything required in the ways to remedy the wet evil. Andreas Mettler

Manager Sales

Basic rules of making ad: – brief, – the accuracy of the language – literacy. Common mistakes in the job description 1. The combination of positions, "Sales Manager / Manager Sales "," designer / copywriter, "" Reaper / igrets on dude. " Such statements only confuse the applicant – who needs that? Or the employer trying to save on employee? Specify one post. Or, make a declaration for different positions. 2.

A large list of duties, "A long list of duties discourage good people from low self-esteem", – says Olga MARTHA, deputy director of personnel Center HR Maximum. Bad and the other extreme – the vagueness of the wording or phrase "standard duties", "duty, according to the instructions." It is better to highlight the key features and describe them briefly and clearly by writing each separately. 3. Insolence, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations Novice hardly respond to the sloppy text. Illiterate Ad suggests carelessness of the employer. Capital letters on the Internet mean increase in tone. Reduction in the ad are relevant to the pages of publications, the Internet, they create the impression of haste and can be perceived as a competitor of disrespect.

4. Phrases such as categorical sentences "We meet only with candidates who have experience of 5 years in a certain industry" significantly would reduce the job seeker. Use a more flexible formulation. "For example:" It is very desirable experience in a certain area "- in fact candidate for the other parameters can be employed "- advises Mary Kosteva, Senior Consultant Consulting Group," Consort ".


What it is important for the head? The importance of the filtering of the subjects! – Which the subject? This simple question can take & ldquo; another one parte& rdquo; (fellow worker, customer, supplier) to be sufficiently desconfortvel in the relationship or with the person make that it or the proper company or institution which it represents. If it will be a public institution still superficially, the effect still can be devastador. But after all, why this happens? Generally, the person who asks: – & ldquo; Which assunto& rdquo;? duly she was instructed or trained to make the filtering of the subjects before taking the subject to the superior hierarchy. However, generally, she tries, for same it, to decide before arriving at the head. For the most part of the times the head nor is knowing that the employee customer/supplier/was there and would like to speak with it. In charge person made the filtering due and liberated the head for other subjects. Generally, subjects of bigger relevance. Bigger relevance for the head, does not stop who wanted to speak with it.

When duly qualified and enabled & ldquo; filtro& rdquo; (secretary-assessor-assistant.) he executes with perfection its work, that, beyond liberating the head for other responsibilities, considerably increases the satisfaction of the interlocutor with the given answers. To the end of the day, he is enough to leave in the table of the head a small spread sheet I contend the basic data of the received phone calls and the taken steps. The head will all have in hands the control of what she was decided WITHOUT its intervention and/or presence, demonstrating, in such a way, that the work is developed with security and rapidity for the growth of the company-institution. On the other hand, if & ldquo; filtro& rdquo; duly he will not be qualified and enabled, every day will be an additional problem head to decide it, until the day that it discovers that, he does not need filter.

Work Ethics: Scope And Relevance

The services come as passengers, visit us as guests and stay as masters. General Confucius, history has been much talk in recent years about the role of work ethic, especially when it manifests corruption, illicit enrichment, and the lack of responsibility, commitment, interest on more individual aspects that group. A business ethics must be supported in their social responsibility to be targeted as manifested in the organization, its achievements, achievements. Educate yourself with thoughts from Marc Lautenbach. On this occasion we will refer to it with the analysis of some aspects that we consider significant to determine its importance, scope, impact. It is said that the work ethic had its origin in both religious and secular values during the Protestant Reformation, Calvinists, Puritans and later the U.S. very strongly supported the work ethic. Due to its religious origins has been called the Protestant ethic, but also sustain people belonging to different faiths.

The religious view of the work ethic is that it is an act of service to God and neighbor, because it helps create a better society for human beings in order to use them, so the heavy lifting and waste prevention are moral obligations. Studies in several organizations confirm that employees who have this work ethic usually feel a moral obligation with regard to ethics, rather than a rational choice or business From the 1950s produced new cultural values related to the interdependence between organizations, societies and the environment. People began to realize that organizational actions cost the company transferred abroad, together with benefits, and perceived an impulse decided to improve this relationship of cost – benefit.

American Empire

territory and to care for people and American interests. It is possible that American troops can dismiss the President Rene Preval, pulling force to some African or allied country in the hemisphere. They are showing him to Haiti and its Government the carrot to then give him the clubbing, that is the policy that the Governments of the United States have deployed worldwide and especially in Latin America, since the mandate of Theodore Roosevelt. International agencies remain silent against such disproportionate invasion of Haitian territory. All are silent, or will it be that the great powers intend to spread to Haiti between if it was to start a new neo-colonial in the continent. The exaggerated presence of American troops in Haiti, creates a climate of destabilization in our hemisphere, as creating conditions to new armed interventionism, especially against Governments such as the Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. This strategic location planned from before hand by American military forces, the invading forces of the United States are located in middle of the basin of the Caribbean, and may dominate throughout Central America and almost all the South American, supported by American shock forces located throughout the Colombian, Panamanian and continent in the Netherlands Antilles. If we look at the map of the Caribbean and South America, we can define, without being a military analyst accompli, can give us that which prepares is the stage for an invasion of Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia and northern Brazil.

This is a chronicle of an announced invasion. You consume with the invasion of Haiti, the anticipated war for oil, gas, water and natural resources, strategic elements as necessary to keep American Empire their unipolar power. The United States controlling traffic by that vast basin of the Caribbean, the United States controlled the world. You have access to the passage and invasion of the Panama canal zone and that huge basin rich in all these energy resources and food that has always ambicionado.


Give gifts, funny and bright work, but at the same time a difficult and tricky. It is not easy to come up, find, buy this thing, which is actually making fun of man. The reasons for this in abundance: in addition to holidays, there is still the most ordinary days when you just want to have fun. Gifts, as is known, there are all sorts. There are mundane gifts: perfumes, clothes and kitchenware. There are also not practical, however romantic and appealing: a kitten or puppy roses blooming in a pot or violet. Either way, under any circumstances to give the main smiles close to us humans. Some gifts will not touch, such as fireworks or a tour, but these gifts are remembered forever.

Postcard, books, signed and wishes, some suvenirchiki give as a keepsake. Not all are able to save myself a little present, and the memory of a man who presented. Ladies for some reason decided to give duxi, candy, flowers. But choose Flowers not so unpretentious little problem: a lady can love chrysanthemums, lilies or sunflowers. If you do not scout ahead this time, you can not please 'Signora'. And for some reason, guys do not give flowers – is not accepted. And nothing that many guys like flowers. And in this they are more than those who prefer diversity. In view of this is better to ask to gather any bouquet, but do not forget that flowers can say a lot about feelings. Rumor has it that adults are kids.

Google Caffeine

Already some months ago we had the news that Google tried to improve his motor search to give better results us in the searches, or rather LESS results and of better quality. For it, it had in march a test version than they have called " Google Caffeine". You may find Douglas Oberhelman to be a useful source of information. What is Google Caffeine? Like Caffein in the humans has an effect of improvement of the concentration and the speed of the thought, Caffein in Google gives like result an improvement of its operation. It will provide the results to us in less time and will be results that Google will decide that they are the best ones. It is necessary to consider that Google is a company and that the results search are the base of their business, so they must provide a product of high quality, updated, of excellent contents and, mainly, express. Mainly now that has increased the competition with the Bing finder, the seeking Web of Microsoft.

But, how Google decides now who yes meets the conditions and that no. Now who is the best one for Google Caffeine? How is determined the positioning? With the new algorithm of indexing of Google Caffeine the global quality of the page will have if more importance fits than before. The factors of the page will be valued in the first place: pages with a correct design, unique content and of quality, with good densidad of key words, a good rank of visits, time of visit of the users and good navigation can elevate to us in the ranking. The Time of load of a page apparently is going very also to be valued. A good optimization as far as key words with key phrases in title, description will be fundamental, metaetiquetas, contained everything is adding for Google Caffeine. However, contained superfluous, I connect broken and I connect projections of low quality (towards not very well positioned pages will lower) us in the ranking of Google Caffeine. Which is going to be the importance of the connections? And again we return to the subject of the connections. They are a part of the very important organic positioning and that Google Caffeine it will value very positively.

And here something new: bookmarking social, that is to say, the number of social connections that a page has and that will score much for Google Caffeine. That is to say, it will give to priority to the results in the form of the news and mentions in social Webs. It is necessary to consider that Internet is evolving and that sites as Twitter or Facebook shows a new type to us of user of the Network. Perhaps therefore it is a good idea to review our pages again so that with the entrance of Caffeine we pruned to hold our positions (or even, to improve them). Original author and source of the article.

Seduction Tips

Today you may be surprised, because you realize that the ways in which you believe you seduce a woman are wrong (if not why would you be here?) But do not worry: The vast majority of people do not know how to seduce girls but I'm going to direct it to the right track with tips and secrets that you will not hear of any other side. The first thing you should know is that everyone uses excuses ("I am short of stature," "I do not look good," "I have no money", "I have no car") to hide its failures, but do I have good news: the girls did not look at it, determine your personality and today we will change that so that they become crazy for you .. Have fun and stop complaining that more notice the error for men is that when they want to seduce a girl in minutes they are talking about the typical issues they have with their friends, talk about their problems so bored girls. Think of the movie actors that girls love, have you ever seen Brad Pitt complain about their family problems? They are always in a COOL attitude and wanting to have fun, and so the girls want you to be. Takes every opportunity to say something funny to make jokes about the girls, smiles and laughs you look pretty …

not a clown but want to be giving you. Any comments can be fun, something like "five men in the gym told me that I lost weight and not a single woman will tell me … I better change sides?" You have to be mysterious and generate TENSIO "N In Instead of filling the girls with compliments and signs that scream that you're desperate for it, and invite her to drink, to eat at an expensive restaurant, or this sort of thing. Instead, you she does not understand what you have in mind to want to get your attention even more. For example, if you say "I'm really pretty?", And it really is beautiful, an ordinary man would say "of course you are precious!". ERROR! The girls are tired of these men and are approximated by dozens of them.

Instead, say "well … the Personality is important! "or simply ignored what he said. She will stay inside thinking "what? why he is different? "and try to call more and more attention … Everything's leadership will do little if you do not have leadership characteristics: think about what you want to do CAS, take control of your life and stop worry about the acceptance of others. When a person stands in leadership, you'll see that others will follow … and that's with the girls. Show them that you do what you want and you're not worried about whether they are having fun … if you are having it NOW, because they want someone who is firm, with a strong personality and does what he wants. If you do this you will be amazing with the girls, and if you check you will find more tips and unique techniques to seduce girls that crazy again … I'll show you ALWAYS works and I guarantee that will work for you … to check it! Check unique tips to seduce girls … always work. Visit

The Evolution Of Stars

Discovering the stars when looking at the night sky, the first question that makes a young restless mind is: what is a star? A star is a huge sphere of hot, bright, gas that produces its own energy through so-called nuclear reactions taking place in the core-Center of the star-making to reach enormous temperatures, and becoming luminous objects that accompany us in our observations of the night sky on clear nights. Stars have a life cycle as any living being: they are born, develop, evolve and grow and eventually die and disappear, for surely trigger the birth of stars. But this happens so slowly that you can not see in human time scale. The universe is a nearly infinite space where they fit millions of stars, groups of stars and galaxies. The distance to the Sun is the nearest star, called astronomical unit – UA and equates to 149.597.870 km. taking into account that the speed of light is 300,000 Km per second, visible light observed from the Sun takes eight minutes approximately to Earth. The next nearest star to the Sun, is called Proxima Centauri, and the light emitted takes over 4 years to reach Earth. This means that when looking at this star, is seeing how was more than four years ago, and is not known as is at the present time.

And indeed, when viewed in the Sun, with appropriate protection on eyes, looks how was eight minutes ago. Molecular clouds in clear nights, especially if seen in the field with a small telescope, far from cities or towns that illuminate the night sky, can also be observed nebulous areas where are born the stars, like Orion and M42, in the constellation of the same name. They are the so-called molecular clouds. Molecular clouds are huge cold and dark clouds which are formed by a gas called hydrogen (99%) and dust – matter solid – in very small proportion (1%), but enough so that under certain conditions, the stars can be born.