The online magazine for IT & consumer electronics and Hulbee, the new Swiss search engine, the survey is starting September 10, 2009, ‘ as Germany searches the Internet’. Hamburg/Germany, Kreuzlingen/Switzerland. Contact information is here: Andreessen Horowitz. September 10, 2009 starting the online magazine for IT & consumer electronics and Hulbee, the new Swiss search engine, the survey checked Germany, on the Internet”. The survey aims to find out how people in the German-speaking countries are looking for, what looks to the users an optimal search engine and what features it should have. On the page interested in the survey with sweepstakes, in which can total goods worth a total of 1,750 euros will be raffled, participate. The search engine market is thanks to many new items on the move: Google will be attacked not only by the major competitors of Microsoft, but other small and innovative enterprises want to chase market share from Google. The call of the journalists shows that the alternatives are more interesting to the market leader, “and Web Developer Albrecht Ude, who with his Web blog a week without” ( calls for the experiment to do a week without Google. Building lists numerous alternatives: other also, the new search engine Hulbee (, which offers a data cloud as a help to refine the search results.
The change to choose Germany? launches the survey how searches on the Internet”Germany, how satisfied are the users with their search engine in practice and what are the chances have new, innovative search engines for them to learn. Sascha Hottes, co-founder and editor in Chief of to: We journalists have discussed in detail the situation. Now comes it, how users are changing the world of search engines. After evaluating this large-scale survey we will know more precisely what search concepts in the German-speaking countries will have the best chance.” About is das Online-Magazin fur IT & consumer electronics in its present form since 2004 on air. Each Category by focuses on a topic. Goal is to impart knowledge – with daily updated news, background articles, tariff database, download archives, interactive elements and a bustling community compact for the reader. reaches 1.3 million different readers per month (AGOF) and generates up to 20 million page views (IVW). About Hulbee AG the Hulbee AG is a publicly traded, European software company headquartered in Kreuzlingen/Switzerland.
Currently 59 employees can have up to 25 years long experience in the development of neural software. The Hulbee AG is successful for years with their information and knowledge analysis in the business such as in the end user-software market. “The Hulbee AG has developed the Hubble program for knowledge management in companies with the aim of the global Know-How Access”, so direct access to any knowledge existing in the company. With the Web application Hulbee Hulbee AG has made a new kind of Internet search market.