
I will say that this is not a quick and easy process. Applying the knowledge I have, for the first time in 11 years after graduation, began to gradually straighten your shoulders and breathe freely. I I realized that I do not need to spend on their maintenance 800 – 1000 dollars. per month. It may well suffice, and a smaller amount, although I have not lived in grand style. Using the knowledge I realized why I was always short of money regardless of whether how much I earn.

Please note that hard to reduce their expenditure, which for the most part unnecessary! It became clear that no need to change jobs as a glove in pursuit of better wages. All things are possible even at paid work. The main thing to know how to dispose earned, you want to order it and not pull down the toilet. Sorry for the time spent for which I bought several specialties after graduation, but Even worse, that he learned not to what you need. I like to grasp something new and share the acquired knowledge.

Now in my spare time I have been studying e-commerce and how to create a stable, passive income through network Internet. Here, too, is not without financial literacy! It is important to understand that in a few years we will all sit on the Internet, regardless of age and our life will be closely tied to the global web of networks Internet. We are not leaving the house via the Internet can already pay utility bills, fines for cars, make money transfers to anywhere in the world, pay for purchases, etc. It is now time to begin to learn and use the Internet and use it along with financial literacy to improve their quality of life. The earlier start to master the Internet, the easier it will be the age to enjoy its capabilities. You look how hard our parents learn mobile phones, and how quickly and easily acquire a mobile phone children! Internet is already able to take us on a path of financial freedom, based on financial literacy and can make us human living on the interest. I’m not good at writing, and perhaps not everything is smoothly written, but I have tried using their own experience to explain to you how important it is to acquire new technologies and earnings be financially literate to improve their quality of life. Good luck to you on the path to financial freedom!