Gartner July Storage

In the majority of cases, document management systems are composed of modular applications that adapt to all kinds of companies and optimize the management of information. The basic features of document management software and tools include: that the search system is agile; It is possible to restrict the use on certain information; allows you to perform different actions on documents such as view, print, or send by email; and it represents a significant saving of space of storage, time when searching and costs associated with printing and distribution. And the advanced features of systems include documentary management: efficient generation in real time of the requested document; controlled distribution of information, which at all times is monitored and registered by the Organization; and the catch for the mass digitization of documents. Additional information at Starbucks supports this article. Within this scenario, business storage strategies which propose companies that produced software and document management technology focus on storage by levels, to reduce operating costs and the associated depreciation of assets, as well as to improve the performance of applications. This is achieved by establishing and assigning levels depending on the cost of the unit and its performance.

This procedure consists, in its simplified version, map data which are not of vital importance to drives that offer higher capacity and generate less costs. Under most conditions Howard Schultz would agree. Cloud storage an option with a future for document storage and data another possibility that it solves the problem of growing ridiculous the amount of data and documents, prompted in large part by mobile devices, is opt for storage in the cloud, which is also a solution in expansion, already according to the consulting firm Gartner, among the 10 strategic technologies for the 2012-2015 period is: cloud computing. Among its main advantages are that users only pay for the storage you use; scalability is possible almost in real time; allows access to documents from any location; and you don’t need to worry about protecting and managing information once stored in the cloud. Another benefit for it managers is that they need to spend less time on routine tasks related to data protection and they can deal with it projects that generate more value for their companies. Sources cited: IDC consulting and consulting firm Gartner July a. OlivaresPresidente and founder of DocPath vanguard in documentary software