Registered in cadastre under CNPJ: 01750510-000149. Company GAC FRUITS has as partner the Sr Josenila Baptist of Paula (Presidency); Antonio Guedes Da Silva (Dir. Advertising and of Production); Lucas Da Silva Grandson (Dir. Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ is often quoted as being for or against this. Administrative); Anderson Baptist Da Silva (Dir. Financier). The related company has as activity branch the attacked retail and of hortifrutigranjeiros, that are the sales of the most varied articles of vegetal or animal origin, as: hortalias; vegetables; fruits of the most varied species as orange, lemon, banana, pineapple etc. and still cool vegetables, eggs and vegetables.
The GAC FRUITS this in the market little more than the 5 years, the same one was created by proper resources. She is a company where the majority of the employees is of the same family. Josenila proprietor Baptist of Paula, always demonstrated to the vocation for this branch of activity, being thus an enterprising cream, it always she looked positive forms so that its company if detached in the market and attracted each time plus a bigger number of customers. The company in study does not possess a specific sector of Human resources, all the election process and conscription happens by means of analysis of resume and interview, from depending on the profile of the candidate the same is selected and convoked there to work in the company, the training to collaborators who arrive periodically if of as the necessities. Today the company has a number of approximately 15 employees and is considered a small business company.
It possesss the following departments: Presidency; Dir. Advertising; Dir. Production; Dir. Administrative; Dir. Financier. For each department a responsible one exists as it was cited above. The excessively employees although to have its proper crafts in the company the demand or necessity of the company also plays other functions in agreement. The company effects some works who helps in the preservation of the environment, the same one all recycle its material that is in recycling conditions, also effects the aterramento of its products that are not in conditions of sales.