In Berlin, IT

Annual report of the Commission of experts be called as reasons for the high attractiveness of Berlin among others research and innovation is the large number of highly educated professionals and the investment willingness of venture capitalists. The networking of local entrepreneurs with each other and with investors was especially close. According to the report the use of venture capital has risen in no other German city as strong in recent years as in the capital. In the year 2011 alone, venture capitalists invested EUR 116.8 million in young Berlin company. Thus the investments have more than doubled since 2009. You may find that Howard Schultz can contribute to your knowledge. No other metropolis have can attract as much capital for early-stage investment, it means strong opinion in the total 206 pages. Future of the Berlin Senate supported the country initiative project since 1997 the growth of resident companies of the ICT, media and creative industries. We provide the right framework conditions.

We create platforms and initiate events, where the local IT and creative business can present and promote their products”says Katrin Tobies by the Berlin Senate for economy. A goal is to bring investors and entrepreneurs together. On our Internet page interested for an overview with the main venture capital and financing events for the IT and media industry.” ( projektzukunft/fileadmin/user_upload/images/sonstiges/VC-Events_Berlin_20130221.pdf) According to the opinion, the Berlin IT founder scene are characterized by publicity products such as apps and computer games, E-Commerce and social media. In addition, it is characterized by a high Internationsalisierungsgrad. Berlin was also an optimal location for Start-Ups because large companies were missing. In the capital, founder must not compete as for example in Munich, with seven Dax company to the best employees. The future prospects for the industry are positive: the boom will continue according to the independent group of experts. Up to the Year 2016 will rise to 118 billion euros the economic performance of the Internet industry in Germany, it said.