In the region of Paraibano Eastern Curimata this concern is not different, a time that some cities suffer with the hdrica scarcity arriving to pass entire weeks without canalized water of the system of local supplying. Many reservoirs used for the supplying meet with relatively low levels producing the necessity of water rationing in the periods of estiagem. The city of Araruna is located in the microregion of the Eastern Curimata, distando 165 km of the capital Joo Person, about 110 km of Campina Great the 120 km of Christmas, capital of the Rio Grande of the North. Its foundation occurred to the 10 of July of 1876. Known for its cold and ameno climate, the city possesss one of the most traditional parties of Is Joo of the Paraba, festejo popular carried through at the end of the month of June. Araruna is one of the main cities of the Paraibano Wasteland, due to its polarization to the too much cities of the Curimata of the Paraba and Serid to potiguar, making territorial limit with four cities of state of the Rio Grande of the North.
The city is inserted in the geoambiental unit of the Hand saws, Residual Inselbergues and Macios. One bes situated in the part highest of the Mountain range of the Araruna and raises it an altitude of 580 meters, what it provides ameno climate to it, above sea level characteristic of the altitude heath, whose temperature in the 18 winter arrives at C. The city is enclosed in the geographic area of abrangncia of the semibarren Brazilian, defined for the Ministry of the National Integration in 2005. This delimitation has as criteria the pluviomtrico index, the index of dryness and the risk of drought. In accordance with the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), in the year of 2010 its population was esteem in 20.009 inhabitants.