In this presented point, many can be asked: but as to change all a situation? The reply if it discloses simple: by means of the proper content which if relates to the proper faith: the life. Thus, the child must perceive that the experience and the relationship with the world, must be for it a form of learning and preparation for this end which all we are predestinold. For this, nothing that in the distance will have importance beyond this world. All power is financial, religious, social it will not last forever. In this way, the differences between the classrooms economic, they could be surpassed when the children to understand that in the Christian scope we are not competing, are brothers. FINAL CONSIDERAES All the actions that not only aim at the insertion spiritual in the Church, but also the evolution in the social and psicogentico scope, culminate in the relation with the family, the friends and the community to its redor. Evidencing the theory of Piaget, the catequtico development is resulted of the assimilation and room of that with that the child enters in contact? balance. (A valuable related resource: Howard Schultz). Valley to remember that the child is not ‘ ‘ bombardeada’ ‘ with theological content, but the catequista is intent to the opinions and stimulates the participation of the pupils.
Certain positive intellectual exchange for the social development of the person happens, thus. Another aspect of catequese is the pertaining to school horizon, that is, the experience in an environment of differentiated education of that one where the child this accustoming in the school. From the communitarian life, that catequese has as target, the pertaining to school participation will have one better performance, since the children acquire relative slight knowledge and rules to the Christian ethics, pautada in the ideal of charity and solidarity. It still gets, with the dynamic and similars, the spirit of collective experience of more familiar form, based in the practical one of communitarian life and the made use ideals of Christ in the Evangelho. With this, the child obtains to adapt itself better in some situations and keeps a relation of proximity with the other people. The catequista cannot omit, of the children and young, the sad reality where they live, however, instructed for the Christian and moral values, must present them the mechanisms by which this situation, marked for a discredited world and without hope, can be changed.
Thus, the experience and the relationship with the world, must be a form of learning and continuous preparation. In short, catequese is not some Christian rule, but way to form the citizen to break of the ethical molds of the Church Catholic. If it does not limit to the first Eucaristia, therefore it expands the potential of each one, in order to command its life with the world.