No, I need the money, but not at this price. After all, you need the same as what your desires and goals to realize. So let’s sum the subtotal. If you have money but no time and health to achieve your goals you should look for that something different. And where do you find it both? – Ask a question you.
Yes, it has already been created. So attention ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the idea of the 21 st century! Business 2.0. What kind of crap you we talking about? What are you telling us here? – Perturbation You exclaim, – That it remarkable? Yes! And in truth, what is it remarkable? Listen carefully to tell! Due to the “marriage” of two such wonderful inventions, network marketing and Internet – technologies we received such a powerful business tool, which has not yet been invented in the history of mankind. For even more details, read what Howard Schultz says on the issue. But while this is still not universally appreciated. Here is an example for illustration. Henry Ford once said that the car will be means available to all people.
The horses will disappear from our everyday life. He who does not believe it! And gone, some few hundred years and see for yourself what happened. But today, to wait so long is not necessary. Technology are moving leaps and bounds. So what gives us the Business 2.0? Because business does not end but a means to achieve our desires. Yes, what is not in the usual business. Health and the most important and irreplaceable resource – time, which is so severely lacking! and How? – You ask. Yes it is very easy! With proper application of network marketing, you can build a business empire, which themselves want. And Internet technology will help you with this and automate much part of routine cases. That will give you much more free time! Is not it great to be free (not think) from the head, from the work of the clock and do what you want at the moment! Think about it And the most the main thing you will not be tied to a particular place. Your office will be the world where there is Internet access. That’s what I call the Business 2.0 – the freedom of life! So ladies and gentlemen, the choice has risen for you. And lastly I would like to ask: ‘What is the style prefer to live the life you? ” Original article ‘The richest people in the world look for and build networks, and the rest are looking for work. ” Panihidin Yuri (Moscow) Coach new lifestyle Business 2.0 E-mail: yuriu.panihidin @ Skype: p.yuriy1 +7 (926) 343-23-83 Financial you success!