Term of maturing very early, ripens in late July – early August (95-100 days). Bushes vigorous. Bunches cylindric, large, 400-500 g, the average density. The berries are oval, with pointed tip, amber-yellow, medium-weight 6.5, the form is resistant to mildew, 3.0 points, 3.5 points oidium, botrytis. Portability is good. Hercules (Magarach 10-51-1 (Katta-Kurgan x Kirovobadsky table) x Antaeus Magarach (Ruby Magarach x Magarach 85-64-16)).
Early, sweet table grade selection NILU "Magarach" for fresh consumption. Berry 28h32 mm, dark-pink clusters from 1500 to 6000 g, the field has resistance to phylloxera, downy mildew, gray mold and frost to -23 C. Don dawns. The working title of a new form of dining GF 1-2-1-1 (x 1-83/29 (Arcadia Fairy +)). Very early ripening 105-110 days. The clusters are very large, 700-900 g, cylindric dense. Berries are large, weighing 5-6 g, oval, white and pink. Pulp, melting in your mouth, the skin is almost not there.
Frost resistance of -24 C. The form is resistant to mildew. The detonation of fresh grapes score 7.9 points. K-8-1 – a variety of French selection of very early ripening. In Russia, been introduced from the Ukraine. Berry dark red with pruinom, large up to 10 g, round. Crimson Education has firm opinions on the matter. Bunch of conical, large, weighing 500-800 g, elegant, unlike the parent varieties Cardinal berries without gorosheniya. The taste is harmonious with a light muscat flavor. Bushes vigorous. Resistance to fungal diseases and frost is studied. Carmen (FVC-94-3 x Hope EPA). Hybrid form of early ripening. The clusters are large and 600-800 g more elegant.