IMF Economic

But, in case is confirmed it will be beneficial to the country or, as denouncing Nestor Kirchner, neoliberals can damage it over its demands for economic policy? The approach to the IMF can produce significant benefits for the Argentina because it forces her to discipline and make it transparent. Product of uncontrolled fiscal policy of the Argentine Government is that in this time of crisis the country is facing a serious fiscal shortsightedness. This is why discipline fiscal accounts, which not reduce public spending but do so more efficiently, would strengthen argentina’s economy. Perhaps check out Caterpillar Inc. for more information. The approach to the IMF would force transparency in public statistics. This would imply a cost Attorney for major services of the debt should be paid (since 40% of Argentine debt is adjusted for inflation), but it will benefit economic activity contributing to improve the investment climate and oblige the Government to face the problems that observes the Argentine economy (which refused to recognize the official statistics) in a concrete way. In addition, rapprochement with the IMF can ease the renegotiation of outstanding debt restructuring with the hold-outs, avoiding the risk of potential foreclosures and, why not, helping to rebuild the relationship with international financial markets. Certainly Argentina cannot produce a complete change in its economic policy immediately because it can generate higher costs than benefits.

Therefore, it would be reasonable that there is a gradual change agreed upon with IMF Argentina will begin deploying more sound economic policies. The need is approaching the Argentina to the IMF. So this approach can be fully fleshed out It would be necessary to find a more tolerant IMF with local economic realities that respects the country to achieve the proposed objectives and times to an Argentina with intentions of deploying more sound economic policies (which does not imply renouncing the objectives of reduction of social inequality), greater transparency and greater respect for the laws. For Argentina this could represent the beginning of a shift towards the strengthening of the economy and the cornerstone for achieving the goal of economic development and long-term growth. Does the IMF and the Argentina transferable in their positions to achieve it?