Nielsen Online

Sufficiently it is used in the half musical comedy for launching of new bands and musics. It occupies, currently, as the place in ranking of the had access nets more world-wide. Figure 7? Initial page Source: (2010) the Linkedin is a social net directed toward networking, with possibility to insert the professional description with diverse information as: carried through escolaridade, courses professional experience. Although Linkedin has been established in 2003, it tried an explosive growth only from 2006. For example, in accordance with ranking Nielsen Online, since October of 2007, the subscribers had jumped more than of 1,7 million users for more than 4,9 million users, a jump of more than 189 percent, between October of 2006 the October of 2007. (BUTOW, TAYLOR, 2009) Figure 8? Public profile of an user in the LinkedinFonte: Linkedin (2010) For Recuero (2009), the Flickr (to see figure 9) allows that published images are labelled with word-key that are objective of searches and organization. With this the social net has a character of personal expression. Figure 9? Agency Senate in the Flickr Source: image of the site (2010) Was, originally, developed for a Canadian company called Ludicorp, in the year of 2004, and acquired, in 2005, for the Yahoo! group.

To use the system, it is necessary to create a normal or professional account. Against the account professional, it is possible to postar a greater amount of photos. The Flickr allows the user to send videos and to make commentaries in the photos of the users of its net, beyond participating of comunidades.2.4 the use of the social nets for interaction with the customers Due to war of prices and the strong competition, the form most practical for a company to be distinguished is to enter definitively in the social nets. To give this step does not mean, as many store come making, to act with propaganda in the same way that in the traditional medias.