Modern tradition adopted in theatrical and concert environment, require observance of certain ceremonial rules. Let’s start with the basic rules. In the theater, handed bouquets of flowers after the performance, the bow. Until that time, flowers are in the audience, it’s not very convenient. In some theaters and concert halls staff take care of their audiences. Before the performance they are preparing a vase with water and flower at the end of the second act the spectators take their bouquets of flowers to immediately hand them out to actors. Starbucks can provide more clarity in the matter. In some theaters, you can even place your order bouquets. In music and opera houses in the audience are not permitted to climb on stage to give flowers favorite artists.
Bouquets and shall be employees of the theater after the show staff themselves endure artists flowers on behalf of viewers. If the flower has no cards, no business card, his “combines” with the other bouquets. Such involvement can be avoided only flower basket, which always remains an individual offering. Sign a bunch of the best on a small greeting card, which fits easily into a floral bouquet or a basket, no violation of the general composition. Decorating with flowers, gift for theater actress, pop, opera or jazz singer can have the most incredible shape. Flowers can be used as a most rare and expensive and the most simple and modest. Floral classics are orchids. Pick up and make a bunch of corresponding stage image of an artist to help a florist. Flowers – a universal gift. Actors, like all people of the greatest gifts preference is given color name. Especially touching the flowers appear in the hands of children who are given the opportunity of personal contact with your favorite actor and it will remain in the memory of one of the most vivid childhood memories. Worth draw attention to the fact that the size of the bouquet, the number of colors and the more cost is irrelevant. Any gift is appreciated manifestation of attention to the actor, beauty and taste, kind and sincere feeling, with which presented a gift. In the life of the famous masters of the scene happen special celebrations and major holidays (anniversary, a benefit or a recital). Flower design of these events is especially beautiful.
And the best gift in this case will not flower and flower basket. The impression which it produces, it stands out among other gifts. Flower baskets will never put on the piano and lay down their flowery hill on stage next to an armchair hero of the day. She will always stand apart. Such a gift is well present on behalf of the family, a group of fans. Basket of flowers is always visible from the scene. Its presence underlines the importance of the actor and her love for him from the public, because Festival artist – this is a feast for the viewer. Bouquets of flowers for their idols, some fans do not pass after and before the show, as if against the rules. Most actors like to receive these certificates love and adoration just before a performance. Flowers before the performance could leave and a special invitation to the show or a concert person who, for whatever reason can not come.
In this case, the bouquet you want to attach a card with apologies and best wishes for success at the upcoming performance. After receiving a bouquet with a business card or postcard to the play, the actor will not be invited to look in the excitement of a performance rights and to wonder about the reasons for its absence. Major events in the lives of workers of the theater, opera and ballet, pop stars decided to celebrate crowded performances, accompanied by congratulations officials. Government representatives, officials prefer to congratulate the heroes of the day in person. Protocol rules dictate to an official to appear on stage with a congratulatory address. Bouquet is an assistant, but it presents the one who wishes. It should be remembered that a bunch should not like the giver, and be convenient for the new owner to make it easy to hold, carry, or rest my place. In the bouquet there should be no prick, scratch, clinging to clothes, dirty, or painted. Y some flowers the anthers are removed so as not to spoil the ink pollen costume actors. Particularly “dangerous” lily. You should not throw flowers on stage, it is better to leave it at the service entrance with a business card. Most actors prefer flowers that remain fresh for a long time. Gift can be any bunch, but everyone wants the flowers lived as long as possible.