I want to emphasize that the elements of hand-forged. After all, today the market wrought Kharkov and Ukraine is filled with 'forged elements', made on the machines (mass production) in our country, and in China, and Turkey. Of the elements are collected, as a designer, various lattices fences, gates, and even furniture. I would put the products 'forged elements' of price category and appearance behind bent products. In the bulk sold items from the band prokatanoy 12h6mm. Kevin Johnson usually is spot on.
This 'monogram,' and balusters, and leaves, and various ornaments. For example, leaf punching Photo 3. Element stamping 'list' element of cold forging Photo 4. Element rolling 'monogram' with welded stamping 'leaf' Stand Photo 5. The 'banister' And By the way, the elements of such a plan might be to cut it ends, either with a welded leaf (photo 4), and they have nothing to do with this malleable, does that remind her (forging) from afar.
By definition, it's rolling, bending, stamping, welding, whatever, but not forging! Even more so – is not artistic forging. Product of the elements are all similar to each other (I would have called 'incubators'), because the number of different elements is limited. And do not believe those who going to build (cook) for your exclusive of the elements! In addition, all elements have a certain size. Sometimes, complaining: 'Here, buy items, like their welded to the shed, to decorate, but size does not fit, throw it now though. " Now about the price. The product of the elements, of course, cheaper artistic forging.