
LATINAMERICA feared going back Source: El Pais / Madrid 2. The ruling coalition its majority in RENEWS MONTENEGRO Source: El Pais / 3 Madrid. BERLUSCONI ITALY DEMANDS most powerful Source: El Pais / Madrid 4. CRISIS CAUSES FOR DISMISSAL OF 12 THOUSAND MINERS IN CERRO RICO DE POTOSI BOLIVIA Source: Xinhua 5. CHILE SHOULD PAY 100 OF WATER CONSUMPTION BY SILALA Source: The Journal 6. SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON THE DEEP BOLIVIA Source: Christian Luis Rivas Salazar 7. Norway, the Netherlands and Canada to assist Bolivia to reorganize its state oil Source: Reuters 8. After handing over monetary policy in 1999 the European Central Bank, within the new European framework, the bank implements the decisions of this, coined the Euro and to eliminate the circulation of currencies.
The primary mission has become a banking and financial supervision. the leading investment manager at the , The aim is to ensure stability and efficiency of the system and enforcing the rules and regulations, the bank pursues this through legislation, monitoring and cooperation with government authorities.
Since the 2005 reform, which caused a few scandals root absorption between companies, the bank has lost the exclusivity of anti-trust authorities in the credit sector, shares this responsibility with the Italian Anti-Trust Authority. ” Other functions include the supervision of the market, taking care of payments and provision of supplies, state treasury, central credit registers, economic analysis and consulting institutions.
The Bank of Italy has some gold reserves estimated at 2.451.8 tons (2006).


List Of Banking

List of Banking and Financial Institutions of Colombia’s main banks in Colombia are: 1. Grupo Bancolombia (Fusion of Bancolombia, Conavi and Corfinsura) 2. BCSC (group formed by Banco Caja Social BCSC and Colmena BCSC) 3. Grupo Aval (Made up of the Banco AV Villas, Banco de Bogota, Banco de Occidente, Banco Popular y Porvenir) 4. BBVA (Fusion of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya (BBV) and Banco Argentaria (Corporation Bank of Spain) – BBVA is a Spanish bank. 5. Banco de la Republica de Colombia 6. Davivienda (Union of Banks and Bancafe Davivienda) 7. Banco Santander 8. Banco Agrario de Colombia Bacancarias All these entities are supervised by the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia


It is clear that no one has enough information to say that Iran has committed election fraud, although the evidence to support a founded suspicion that something unusual has happened, at least this is what opina the Iranian exiled in Paris Marjane Satrapi, author of the comic book ‘Persepolis’ to the claim that’ there has been a coup, but a fraud. According to data released by OJD for the period July 2007/junio 2008, the newspaper’s print run was 6037 copies and distribution of 4674 copies per day. The newspaper also has its dissemination.

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