Also remember that when the Government promoted the famous family car with the carmakers and also lowered the interest rates for financing, it had an immediate effect of social justice, became more accessible to the public, but in contrast, a payment of vaccine needed to skip a list of endless customers or be very patient believers, that stuck in a list of the concessionairesomeday is going to play. Only time will tell who is right, or previous economists who have already been Governments, nor those of now, know what the answer, some believe blindly in their thesis, but these, like the character of so good but we are wrong, they are not reliable, to deposit in the decisions and the destiny of a nation. Some do comparisons, highlighting Gringo or European economy today is in trouble, that devote 90% of GDP for the debt payment, others compared the Chinese economy which is a hybrid between the controlled capitalism by communism, exploited labor, others in modern mentality engringada, belittle the Cuban economy, which is clearly controlled, that for them the happiness, type FalconCrest, in two House, three cart, a yacht, a farm, a resort and a salary or well generous savings. It is better to continue inventing and building a new social economic model, the current, is not sustainable, it has virtually destroyed our planet and has increased inequalities. You can do the same making Empires when they tested their weapons to improve them, inventing wars, with the excuse of combating terrorism or weapons of mass destruction, can also be tested in contrast a new system, with the aim of combating exclusion and poverty, providing welfare, until its own model, which allows a better distribution of wealth not, if not happiness.
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Executive Rights
Puts finger in the wound to analyze the power and wonder if it is located in designated instances, citizenship or the so-called powers that be. Abundant document on women, minorities, relations between Executive and legislative and constitutional reform processes, access to justice and health, education and social protection services. The topic of the crisis of representation treated by us in several books – is displayed, firstly, as a weakness of the electoral options. More information is housed here: Ben Horowitz. We have said it many times: offered anything, there is a national project and up to the so-called Government programmes have been deemed unnecessary. Deals with the election financing, the vacuity of the campaigns, the ventajismos and corrupt practices. And above all complain about UNDP-OAS of the lack of production of integration policies social, as indicated that insecurity is becoming a problem of democratic stability in the region.
Chavez praised this document encouraged by some statistics that accompany it, but obviously when did it had not read it because in it are all warnings against an irruption caesarism. Democracy says – it is a method of organization of power so that the citizens can progress in the realization of their rights. Exclusions or sowing divisions break the growing expansion of citizenship. If the caesarism replaces presidentialism the Republican institutions are broken. An interesting approach to the marking of redistribution of power constitutes it as a primary task of democracy, a key approach it is the citizenship: to pass the subject of elector citizen who have duties and rights expanded in all fields and, thus, differs a voters in a democracy of citizen democracy. And defines: democracy is a form of Organization of power in the society with the aim of extending citizenship, prevent or limit the domination of individuals or groups that impede this objective and achieve the sustainability of the democratic organization. No missing economically: called to move from an economy locked in the dogmatisms to a variety of options.
International Monetary Fund
The efforts that must make fiscal policy to mitigate the impact of the crisis, the Central Bank of Colombia must do its part. The meeting this month, is expected entity to trim its benchmark interest rate again although in December inflation finished at 7.67%. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Caterpillar Inc.. For 2009 the inflationary expectations of the governing entity of the monetary policy in Colombia are located in 5%, which would be the goal which is located precisely at that level (with a margin of half a percentage point to both sides). It is inflationary pressures in the economy to reduce the deterioration of both the internal context as external. But returning to the raised context for the current year in the Colombian economy, beyond these drawbacks that will face the same, the economy is protected against a possible worsening of the situation. It is that the Colombian economy has resources to cope with the crisis situation and any unexpected shock that may affect it, which increases the strength of the same. In this regard, the Minister of Hacienda, Oscar Ivan Zuluaga said that there are several contingent lines that the country could be used before any shortage of liquidity, which in the case of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) could amount to US $6,000 million in if necessary. Colombia has covered its financing program for this year and won’t have problems in covering next year’s.
This clears the picture of any possible situation is stress due to lack of resources to international financial markets virtually closed. 2009 Will be a year hard to Colombia, although it will not affect its prospects in the medium and long term. Uribe’s Government must have objectives to achieve this year, in addition to prevent the deepening of the economic slowdown, continue with the improvement in the competitiveness of the economy and advance the celebration of new free trade agreements (FTA), as faster as possible to reduce external dependence and expand the range of possible of Colombian products target.
Rodriguez Zapatero
Many museums are more dead than tenants of many cemeteries. For example, the New Orleans cemetery, say infinitely receives more tourists than our sad trade Museum. Not to mention nothing of the bonaerense La Recoleta; There, against the niche of Evita Peron are always crowded visitors willing to take a photo as a souvenir. This comes to mind before the closure of the Museum of Oriental art. The watched in his day the exhibition on Chinese art of the Neolithic dynasty Ming, ecstatic before a few treasures that were probably more false than the electoral promises of Rodriguez Zapatero. Its closure, however, is not the growing doubt about the authenticity of the funds, but to expensive maintenance 1.3 million in only three and a half years and the shortage of visitors. What is believed, then, our residents, who comes more people than to rock concerts to museums? Until the famous MOMA in New York is a haven of peace and serenity before so much hustle and bustle of that metropolis.
I have a friend who halfway through its journey realized that the guy who was looking boxes at his side, with a child’s hand, was Harrison Ford, who was there to wrap the fans and even my friend, which dared not tell nothing amid the stunning silence of the pinacoteca. For this limited influx of personnel, always there less museums than bars, for example. Despite this, our consistory has tried to make a city of Salamanca with more museums than visitors. And that there are still those of architecture and historical memory. It has done so, moreover, without any criteria, say that more by accumulation than by selection and clear, thus shipwrecked attempts as interesting as the history of the city or the automotive, to put two deficient cases that the City Council has failed to address. When, therefore, the discrimination between good and best, between what is desirable and possible? This is already the fifth article that I write about this matter of the museums and I am afraid that follow as well, Unfortunately it won’t be the last that does.
The Importance Of The Image
You’ve heard the phrase, as you see the treat you, isn’t as well? Although we would like to avoid it, we are social beings, therefore, we live in a world where constantly we are evaluating, seeing these small defects which many are reason to question ourselves. Now, it is important that you try to get the maximum out of your image, and image, is considered not only the appearance, they involve a series of small details that will help us be better valued by the rest. This is not a superficial concept, it is a reality that every day we live. For this reason, always remember the following: 1. have good image, does not mean that you endeudes being spent on acquiring the latest in fashion, is to invest in some parts that will be practical and necessary for your day to day. It seeks to buy classic and simple cuts that you can combine with any outfit, made of good material and cut, that doesn’t mean that it is more expensive brand search that is.
You can find a good design in a magazine and send it to do with the seamstress who lives near your House, what you should bear in mind is that it should last a long time. 2 Uses colors that you favor, on the Internet you can find much information that shades are better to the color of your skin, hair and eyes, you should always seek to project the best image you can. 3 Feed yourself well, uses natural products as far as possible, that contribute to the luminosity of your skin and improve your body always. 4. Do not you acomplejes you with your body, you don’t torment for not wearing as the star of television or cinema, recalls that they spend thousands of dollars on a facial treatment because they live their image, and has a legion of advisers who pay millions. Ordinary people do not walk in that, accept yourself as you are and leverages those details that you might not like but others may be attractive (many a mole, broad eyebrows, a few broad hips, etc., they are attractive and perhaps for you is your ordeal). 5 Smile.
It is the best way of projecting a positive image to others, and it does not cost much, try to have small details like these with others. 6. To the extent possible, avoid speaking ill of others or criticizing, it may seem fun but don’t know to whom, can be unpleasant, it avoids this always. 7. Much attention to your hair, nails and shoes. If you are a mess / I ated with dirty fingernails and shoes without Polish, you will be very bad, take 5 minutes more to directly address these details in it. 8 Search for a model that inspires you. Tries to take advantage of the experiences of others, be flexible and listen to advice that you provide. The models must be positive, avoids that negative people who often want to move their frustrations on others.