Social Service

The metodolgico procedure of this article was based on theoretical study with literature revision, having as theoretical reference the authors: Martinelli (2003), Mioto (2005), Iamamoto (2008) amongst others. This article has as objective generality to reflect practical of the Social Assistant with the pregnant adolescents in the Maternity Ana Braga, with instruments as: statistical report, map of production, social fiche and economic partner, amongst others. The Article this structuralized with topics theoretical making a boarding on: 1. Social service in Brazil (1930-1990), 1,1 Sprouting of the Politics of Health in Brazil, 1,2 Social Service in the Area of the Health, 2. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Ben Horowitz on most websites. Definition of the Adolescence and the Contextualizao in the Contemporaneidade, 2,1 Maternity in the Adolescence, 2,2 Rights guaranteed to the adolescents in the Area of the Health, 3. Soon Historical of the Social Service in the Maternity Ana Braga, 3,1 Practical of the Social Assistant in the Maternity Ana Braga. The interest for the subject if gave for the fact to be about social citizens, that each time in the sexual life initiates more precociously, that is, still in the adolescence. For if also dealing with one of the innumerable ones manifestations of the social matter in its more acute form, if constitute in a challenge for the professional of social service, where the same it is called to contribute with its specific knowledge, in order to unmask this reality with sight to find possible alternatives of intervention. Madeleine Sackler helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. It was observed during the period of training that the work of the social assistant is of great importance in the institution, therefore the same works of articulated form, not as a mere executor, but yes a multipurpose worker whom it searchs to innovate and to create strategies better to take care of the citizen.

Whitewashing Aesthetic

Opesde reabilitadoras interventions through dental implantations is each accessible vezmais has all in the current days. It offers and search increases even though to each diasendo since famous specialists surgeries in soft installments de60 times in the market. You vary are the proposals of treatment plans, being desdeuma simple whitewashing until procedures of high complexity to improve aesttica and harmony of the face smile. Antesde any surgical act we must well clearly leave that the confidence between opaciente and professional (odontlogo) is of basic importance, with umprofundo dialogue during the initial consultation. Doubts do not have to exist antesque the patient submit it surgery. Cirurgiodeve to be intent the complaints and individual necessities of each person, answering with clarity the yearnings of each one so that they do not exist problemasfuturos. Charles Kushner describes an additional similar source. In the doubt to disrespect an eventual complex treatment for one maissimples being prevented unnecessary upheavals. The professional must exporalternativas of treatment, giving options to the patient and leaving the decisoprincipal to the petitioner.

No necessary to say that ' ' good senso' ' it is necessary, therefore some times, anecessidade of complex whitewashing can exist, however the costs increases. Other occasions, exist lacks of whitewashing conditions, however ofator financier are not the problem, however, must be left exactly in question that todoprocedimento is passvel of inherent risks and complications to the surgical act emesmo the organic conditions of the patient, that the index of success sejaelevado around 93% of the cases. Apesarde not to constitute great problem, we must clarify the more at great length reabilitador umprocedimento I implant prosthetic, therefore some times, the anseiosno correspond to waited after the ending of treatment. Existemcasos that the patient presents incompatible psychological profile with propostade treatment, for personal, psychological reasons, psychiatric, orgnicosonde the professional will have to take the decision to instruct to operate it or not. Ointuito of this article is to guide the search of a good professional and reavaliarse the surgery with implantations, enxertos among others is the only viable option to pararemediar its problem of aesthetic occlusion or and harmony of face smile. Procurade a good odontlogo is necessary preventing parcelamentos enormous and propostasincoerentes where many times the cheap one can leaves expensive and vice versa.

Wedding Preparations

What is characteristic of autumn? The beginning of the school year, trees that shed their leaves, rain, risk of default:) … What else? Of course, the season of weddings. And despite the fact that the fall (and thus the season of weddings) is behind us – today we share with you some tips on what not to forget to prepare for the wedding. Once it is recognized that it is always difficult to give advice. And to give advice about weddings – one hundred times more difficult. It's not that the wedding issues are complex. And that wedding – it is a very crucial moment. And on the wedding and give advice to a very responsible! On this, our advice would be concise, relevant and focussed.

1. Hairstyle Bride (not to speak of the bridegroom We, as in this is no big deal:). Given the importance and solemnity of the moment, we recommend you seek professional parikmahernogo case. Do not try to create a home hair-masterpiece. It is better to consult a professional barber.

2. Wedding dress and suit. Time and tastes change. By giving this advice now is to understand that tomorrow it will be irrelevant. To avoid this, we recommend the following: be yourself. Do not let relatives (especially grandparents) the possibility to impose your fashion past. This is your celebration and more important, to this day you loved each other! 3. Wedding car. In this regard, much depends on your financial opportunities. Richard Elman takes a slightly different approach. In this case, I want to give only one piece of advice: remember that wedding – it's just the beginning of family life. And for this you should not get into debt just to impress your friends and family. Let everything be in moderation. What to say lastly? Be beautiful and unique on your wedding day. And more importantly, be happy ALL of family life! Bitter:)

Inner Motivation

"What is intrinsic motivation and why we need it?" I would like to begin to explain what is intrinsic motivation, and then go to question its necessity or uselessness. Intrinsic motivation, if you look for words, is our inner motive, so that we do many deeds in our lives. A leading source for info: Douglas Oberhelman. It should be an example to better understand what is meant. Here you have a goal – to go to Garvordvyyti marry a foreigner go to India for permanent residence, etc., is one of your goals to which you aspire, and your inner motivation, is what feeds you and gives you the strength to go on to the target. Such motivation is usually occurs in people under the influence of some events in his life or influenced by any individual. Personally I have always loved to photograph various castles, houses, beautiful and unusual scenery, but knew that something was missing me, can lessons photography may newfangled camera, wanted more, but as for this to come – was unknown at the moment. But only so long until I met a wonderfully creative person, who have never studied photography, as well achieved excellent results on their own.

His photographs have won in competitions, auctions, printed on postcards and it was under his influence, I wanted to develop my little hobby. I bought a good camera, began to read different books, articles, participate in competitions on the weekends to wander around Moscow and look for interesting stories, enjoy the views, the nature of the metropolis. Whenever I was in the hands of the camera, I wanted to create masterpiece, but this, that my so-called teacher could be proud of me. That was my motivation – getting better, to enjoy herself and to please others with their creativity. But there are those moments in life when we is this inner impulse, we do not want anything and we do not want to anything.

This period can be called a loss of strength, laziness – as you like, but the essence is – there is no incentive to live, create, work, surprise, delight and possibly even love, love yourself, the world of another person … This was the case with each of us out of this emptiness, we can get ourselves only, we will take a little time out and then one day something will suddenly appear, and our interest desire, the so-called light, which will push us forward – it is our own motivation, which helps us to taste each day to live, grow and move on towards your dream, the cherished goal. Each She revived due to various things, events, occurrences: this is an interesting book, and a pleasant acquaintance, and a bouquet of beautiful flowers, and walk along the beach. .. Intrinsic motivation is very important for those who want not just to live, but to achieve something in this life, and how would you call this feeling burning inside lights, it should be a kind of spark in each of us, from which the flame gradually.

The First

It is an immense field for personal growth. There is a fee that is more expensive than any money: recognition and love of family, child health, the success of her husband (yes, yes, what is man at work, what his income depends directly on the rear, ie from the women) … Preparing for the second birth, I shoveled so much information, so many learned, if a second degree received. Bank of America Merrill Lynch oftentimes addresses this issue. And as a result of birth of his daughter – is the subject of my feminine pride! Not even so, this is a subject of pride of our family! Respect for children, and to close people in general … Exclude from the lexicon the word 'my' – my husband, my son, my daughter … Behind this innocuous pronoun is a desire to own, a sense of ownership. I notice how the liberty to decide for her husband, as we hold off, make many decisions for her son (he dress 'better', that is, what to watch cartoons, etc.), let alone the daughter I did not say anything. Luiz Lopes Brookfield: the source for more info.

While this fine crumb indicates to me where the boundaries of what is permitted. With 'their' family ceremony is not accepted. Son smeared with yogurt – slap, husband forgot to take out the trash – blame stronger and can carry a small dochu pee, she wants to or not. With strangers, we become much more polite and understanding, than with his family. But they are not mine, neither the children nor her husband! And it comes to I slowly (but surely) It is hard to love I was very surprised when, after the first birth did not experience any feelings, though atrophied heart.

The Subconscious

This synthesis produces a result which can not be achieved the use of any of the existing techniques! Using psychological tools to diagnose existing problems and their interpretation, which makes it possible not to work blindly, and makes transparent and understandable the whole process of change. Impact on the physical body and its energy through the acupuncture points at the same time pronouncing certain affermatsy allows our bodies to neutralize the negative perception of the problem and the reason for this perception. As a result, one gets the opportunity to change the very reason. Impact on the subconscious mind can neutralize the disturbing attitudes and beliefs on the subconscious and to neurological level instruction used to implement the new, desired image and beliefs. The result – all the components of man (physical body, mind, subconscious mind) to get rid of pre-existing barriers and get a new program how they exist. The practice of this – an amazing technique! It opens up doors of opportunity that people have never seen and did not realize! In my practice – a lot of different stories. I particularly enjoy here is what it is. Women's tears …

One young woman – was a wonderful family. And it felt absolutely calm, in complete safety. One day, she learned that her husband has any relationship with another woman, her life soon capsized … Panic overwhelmed her with a fury, leaving her actions instead of harmony and solving problems, led to further inflame the situation and the destruction of relationships.

Idris Laor Family Force Fields

Idris Laor. Family force fields of any system, namely, our family, our work environment, our social environment, structure, to which we belong – all force fields. Macs, in which we live and develop. As for the family since birth, each holds a place. And we get from our parents and our grandparents, not only genetic inheritance, but also their religious beliefs, their way thinking and behavior. All these lines and patterns in some way affect our way of life, thinking and feeling. Sergey Brin is often quoted on this topic.

They are either a hindrance or help to free our feelings, our actions, we will of to be happy or unhappy, to succeed or to fail in our endeavors. They have a direct impact on our mood and health. They are also the causes of our illnesses and diseases, causes our positive relationship or conflict. With eyfonicheskih ideas we begin to understand these patterns at the deepest level. And we can learn how to get rid of those circuits that prevent us from living. Identification – is virtually always a partial identification with the fate, life or the behavior of one or more ancestors.

We reproduce the same mannerisms, the same habits, attitudes, or the same life situation, that our ancestors survived. Thus, the family system keeps in memory all that has taken place. This is tantamount to child complies with the conditions, agreements, he bequeathed to an ancestor of what we call loyalty. Significant events or family system is determined by a force field over the last family, parents, relatives, distant ancestors, and their scheme of thought, their religious beliefs, their nationality, their ethnographic roots.


This is because many of us have felt, realized that the pleasures of this world bring in the end, only emptiness and disappointment. And many women begin to look for true fulfillment, harmony and happiness. But all these doctrines are built either on psychology, or on some fragmentary knowledge of the hidden powers and abilities. All of them – from our material world. A people can change themselves and see the complete picture of the universe, to understand the reasons for going with him, just 'getting up' in the spiritual world. To read more click here: Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ. Climbing – that is becoming similar to this world, having received some measure of its properties. And this Kabbalah gives us the opportunity, which speaks of man, the purpose of its creation and how to find happiness.

If a woman wants to understand the spiritual world, it does not cease to be attractive to men. On the contrary, it is for them even more desirable object of attention. After all, she is happy and feels true spiritual fulfillment, and it radiates happiness and love. She sets an example and sets the direction to the true values in life. Happy, aspirations of women – beautiful and attractive.

And the man willy-nilly go for it. Because in the end, the man does everything for the sake of women: and earns and acquires, and fighting. To be the best for her. But the value We define – women. And if we are spiritual values in the first place, the man and it will be for them to fight with your selfishness, to comprehend all the new stages of the spiritual world. And if a woman is important bank account, a brand cars, jewelry and clothes, and then the man will tend to them, but just as quickly feel the disappointment and emptiness. After all, subconsciously, he senses that the source of his new desires is often a woman. And if desire do not bring satisfaction, then is not it time to change the source, then there is a woman? We see that this is happening in the world. Financially secure, successful, beautiful couples can not hold together for several months. Only in the spiritual union with a woman a man feels that his desire to bring him no disappointment, and the feeling of fullness, which does not disappear. And it seeks to further the comprehension of the spiritual world. Because this mission was entrusted men. A desire for this can only give us, women. Marina Fateev

Wedding Sometimes

We always want to believe that all people get married, of course, for love. But marriage is not always a mutual decision, and sometimes, simply a necessity. Consider the most frequent. The so-called “zalet” According to statistics, most unstable marriages, this is the marriage because of pregnancy. And there are a lot of marriages. The desire not to be under the parental wing. Douglas Oberhelman may not feel the same. Often we try to get rid of constant parental control, not even thinking about how life will flow forth.

And if the choice has been chosen in haste, then marriage can only sympathize, because life in such a marriage, as a rule, sometimes it turns out, is not much of a cloud-free. Women thanks. Not self-confident woman, and sometimes marry, because of the fear left with nothing. After her man drowned in the love and attention, she simply allows herself to love, without experiencing similar feelings. Such a marriage is loneliness and grief. Out of pity. Pity, of course, no bad feeling, but, depending where and what.

In the selection chosen, it is perhaps not the best solution. Over the years, the hatred, not love to be in that relationship ahead only. The man begins to blame his wife that he killed her life, or made them a loser. Age X. At the age of thirty years, women in the head there is one question, if all the friends have been living happily in marriage. The woman thinks, how it is, all married, and how can I, what have I done? In this case, some women just keep sitting and waiting for her prince on a white horse, and others begin to urgently look for a husband, but marriage is not such good luck bring. Out of revenge. Girls often think that revenge – a better way. And sometimes, abandoned by a woman marries a revenge of his beloved. But this option fail to live, because the lady dooms itself to boredom, hatred and failure. Living with unloved man, bring some women to suicide. Close grieve not! As often happens that children are friends from childhood, attending a class, learn together, and then one day, their parents decide for them what they made for each other. This is not the right decision, but that would please their moms and dads, boys and girls go on this chosen for them the path. Sex, sex, sex. Why then are of the opinion that if a man and woman have amazing sex life and what will be the same from them together. What a silly idea was it? Sex, of course, increases the quality of marriage, but it is only his part and not a guarantee of lasting relationships. Marriage of convenience. How many people who seek through marriage to raise their status, or improve the financial situation of their families. But keep in mind that marriages of convenience are not happy, because in addition to money, there are other values that in such relations are absent. Intuition – the best guide. All traps and intrigues before marriage is very, very dangerous.

Europe Wants To Prohibit The Sale Of Eggs

MEPs have studied this issue because of revelations from a clinic for infertility treatment, specialized in the oocyte donation for money for patients coming from other parts of the EU. Members of Parliament claim that the risk for women who provide eggs are very high, and therefore continue to receive this way is unacceptable. Providing financial compensation can make women go on sale eggs that would jeopardize their health. According to MEPs, they outlawed the trade in any parts of the human body, and in the last directive was refined voluntary and not a fee donation tissues and eggs. Now the EP calls on countries to revise the provisions of the law on donation of eggs, especially in the area of remuneration and fees. EP asked to apply the principle of subsidiarity in the case of all projects related to the research of human embryos and stem cells. EP stresses that the need to focus on the research of adult stem cells or stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood since such studies enabled the participating countries and allowed patients to successfully undergo treatment.