Space Production

With the systems of artificial climatization the temperature is most comfortable possible and its consumers not only leave of being bothered by rain and the strong sun, but also they do not perceive passing of the hours. As result can be easied and intent in its activities of consumption, that it is not summarized only of the material, but also of the time and the space, there with merchandise character. 3.Shoppings and condominiums: auto-exclusion in the capitalist production of the space Through the production in mass made possible for the industrial production, new necessities had been introduced in the modern society, and were needed that new spaces if to configure to accomodate the full accomplishment of the necessities of the capital. Amongst these, the most significant in the cities contemporaries they are shopping to center and the closed condominium. The two elements if relate and are complementary in the urban space. The two use forms fellow creatures to take care of some of the primary functions of the daily one of the urban society: housing, consumption and leisure.

However they only take care of the parcel of the population that has financial resources. They are real estate enterprises that if have multiplied large-scale in function of the sensation of unreliability in the cities, sufficiently explored by the marketing. Already sufficiently the idea of the public space as concentrative of perigos is spread out. On behalf of the security, both congregate one same layer of the society that if takes refuge in these spaces and searchs to enjoy of a life calm, however tied with the consumption, attributing to the space a significao of merchandise. Constantly present in the capitalist space logic it is had as condition and product of the accumulation process. (CARLOS, 2003:78). The condominium as housing, place in which if they carry through the habits on the privacy to the familiar one, the home is inlaid in them, for having this character is part of day-by-day.

Service Web Site

Roughly the cost website design, business cards with straightforward design and standard components. Next. Filling the web site information. Price – from 25 rubles for a one-page insert for tables or photos. For purposes of clarity – following example. You've decided that your site will be 15 pages and 30 photos. Count: 15 multiplied by 25 = 375 rubles. 30 multiplied by 25 = 750 rubles.

Total: 1100 Delivery deadline – 7 days spent on the development and 2-3 days to content website. True, working with a good studio, the customer will always be able to edit and fill the site itself. Support web site web site. You may be offered: the maintenance of the site in working condition; systematic Updated information on the website revision software, design changes and other minor works cost of all these services – from 4000 rubles per month, if you have concluded a contract – 3 months or more. Here are . But it's still "stuff" compared to what it would cost custom website in the studio of a well-known Lebedev. There's money web site – from 60000 to 100000 $.

And it is – just the creation of the site, excluding the cost of support. Of course, if you full of extra money for the order, the questions will not be. But what about the user, owner of the computer (at whom it is now not) have access to an Internet, a head on her shoulders and arms, but finances do not allow to seek the services of the founders Web sites? It's common in the present situation. Well, a man wants, that would have been his own site – for the soul and earn – in advertisements, for example. There are in fact those who earn a good idea! That has to find a way to Self-Service Web Site Many people are turning to designers of websites, including website builder uCoz. The first thing that attracts customers to this resource – the magic word free! uCoz will not only give you the opportunity to create a website on the engine, but will provide hosting. At first glance – that still need something? But in reading reviews on uCoz, my attention was immediately attracted the following comment: Quote: After the latest update them not recommend to anyone! If you want to learn to create websites from scratch – start on a paid hosting – it will be easier and cheaper, because if you will need something to enable or disable you unexpectedly receive an offer to pay for it, and throw made site sorry and move hard and the code they'll be closed! For support to be paid! Free support does not work. Etc. What do you ask? A conclusion from all of the above suggests this: if there is no extra bank notes – better to do a website yourself. Of course, to make the site level professional web-studio, you are unlikely to be able to. The most viable option would – take a ready-made Web site template and place it on your taste. Benefit to the web templates – many, including free. Of course, in this case, you can not do without knowledge of html and at least the basic foundations of php. Well, after all, a game worth the candle!