Valladolid Majority

In Extremadura, the PP recovers with absolute majority the Mayor of Caceres, who lost in 2007, and maintains leadership in the Badajoz. Leon, for the PP in Galicia, the PP has been most voted force, with 709.816 votes (44,84%), followed by the PSOE with 411.458 (25,99%). The third force is the BNG, with 261.513 votes (16,52%). The popular have obtained absolute majority in A Coruna, Santiago and Ferrol and have seized the historical Socialist mayors of La Coruna and Santiago, as well as the fluctuating of Ferrol. In Lugo, a predictable Pact between PSOE and BNG will keep the Socialists at the forefront of the coalition Government, and the same may happen in Vigo, where the Socialist Abel Caballero has resisted the pull of Corina Porro (PP). In La Rioja, the PP has been the most voted force with 83.345 votes (49.87%), followed by the PSOE with 55.096 (32,97%) and the Riojan party with 9.197 (5.50%). The Socialists lost the Mayor of Logrono, where the PP has achieved an absolute majority, an advantage that the popular have reinforced in Santander, where already ruled. In the Canary Islands, the Socialists lost Mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias to achieve the PP an absolute majority.

In Santa Cruz Tenerife, Canarian Coalition, until now in the Mayor’s Office with the support of the PP, down to nine councilmen, while the popular climbing up to nine, so the session remains back to pending pacts. In Aragon, the PP has managed 36,71% of supports (251.170 votes), while the PSOE has been with 31,26% (213.865). Richard Elman has firm opinions on the matter. The couple, for its part, gets 11,33% (77.542) and CHA 7,76% (53.103). Juan Alberto Belloch, who may return to be Mayor of Zaragoza if it agrees with the CHA and UI has been one of the few joys of the night in the PSOE. Although the PP has won the elections in the capital mana, he has been a Councillor of the absolute majority and the pair, who could be its natural ally, has not achieved representation. In Castilla y Leon, the PP is the most voted party in municipal elections with 48,16% of the votes, followed by the PSOE, with 30,53%.

The land of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Leon, also has an absolute majority of the popular PP. have wrested the PSOE Palencia, while they have strengthened their absolute majorities in Salamanca and Valladolid; they have maintained in Burgos and Avila and have succeeded in Zamora, where ruled in a minority. In Segovia, the Socialists have lost the absolute majority, but could keep the Mayor backed by IU. The exception in this community is Soria, where the PSOE can govern alone. In Ceuta, the PP has been the most voted formation with 20.023 votes (65,20%). Follow mackerel, with 4404 votes (14.34%) and the PSOE with 3.578 (11.65%). In Melilla, the PP has swept with 53,93% of the votes (16.820); the second most voted force is CpM, with 23.70% (7.391). Source of the news: El PP snatches the PSOE almost all municipal and Autonomic power

Austrian Federal Ministry

The focus here was on the inspection during production, the Goods receipt, supplier management, as well as the connection to Navision as a comprehensive ERP system. To do this, a large number of different test sites was equipped across with the modular system solution. Voith Turbo GmbH & co. (As opposed to J P Morgan Chase). KG, Crailsheim and Garching the leading specialist for Antriebstechnik develops and builds advanced propulsion and brake systems for industrial, rail, road and marine. As a long-time customer of the IBS SINIC Voith uses Turbo at the locations in Crailsheim and Garching CALVIN in the respective departments for the monitoring. Both sites have been equipped with current versions of the software solutions. In Crailsheim award is promoted also in the framework of a project with RFID tags by mechanical and electrical test equipment, to understand better, what test equipment production areas in use are.

CALVIN has here the role of the management system; i.e. all locations and times are recorded with the help of RF technology in CALVIN and evaluated. Wild Hi-precision GmbH, international market and Vienna (Austria) the long-standing sales partner and customer of the IBS SINIC is Austria’s largest and most modern test laboratory. Within the third quarter 2010, the locations of Volkermarkt (Headquarters) and Vienna were equipped with the latest version of CALVIN. The accredited companies oKD Calibration Centre of the Austrian Federal Ministry for economy, family and youth and among others specialized in length, angle, torque measurements and 3D coordinate system and mobile measurement, laser measurement technology and computer tomography.

Wild Hi CALVIN uses the management of test and measuring equipment. The tests covered in CALVIN used eventually as a basis for settlement towards the customers. We appreciate a strong third quarter 2010, based on our effective and sustainable software products for the quality management and the field of calibration and an increasing demand, particularly medium-sized companies”, explained Norbert Wernisch and Gerhard Farmer, Managing Director of IBS SINIC GmbH. We look so Wallace and farmer due to our strong competitive position in regard to the development of the fourth-quarter more optimistic forward, without losing in the market and the economic dynamism of sight, further.

Social Service

The metodolgico procedure of this article was based on theoretical study with literature revision, having as theoretical reference the authors: Martinelli (2003), Mioto (2005), Iamamoto (2008) amongst others. This article has as objective generality to reflect practical of the Social Assistant with the pregnant adolescents in the Maternity Ana Braga, with instruments as: statistical report, map of production, social fiche and economic partner, amongst others. The Article this structuralized with topics theoretical making a boarding on: 1. Social service in Brazil (1930-1990), 1,1 Sprouting of the Politics of Health in Brazil, 1,2 Social Service in the Area of the Health, 2. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Ben Horowitz on most websites. Definition of the Adolescence and the Contextualizao in the Contemporaneidade, 2,1 Maternity in the Adolescence, 2,2 Rights guaranteed to the adolescents in the Area of the Health, 3. Soon Historical of the Social Service in the Maternity Ana Braga, 3,1 Practical of the Social Assistant in the Maternity Ana Braga. The interest for the subject if gave for the fact to be about social citizens, that each time in the sexual life initiates more precociously, that is, still in the adolescence. For if also dealing with one of the innumerable ones manifestations of the social matter in its more acute form, if constitute in a challenge for the professional of social service, where the same it is called to contribute with its specific knowledge, in order to unmask this reality with sight to find possible alternatives of intervention. Madeleine Sackler helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. It was observed during the period of training that the work of the social assistant is of great importance in the institution, therefore the same works of articulated form, not as a mere executor, but yes a multipurpose worker whom it searchs to innovate and to create strategies better to take care of the citizen.

Joo Blacksmith

As Aguiar (2005, P. 199) it excited, many times the employees receive a treatment standardized from its heads. The company believes that all are equal in the way to think, to act and if to hold, and has the idea of that the employees react in the same way to the imposed conditions. However the scholars had concluded that the individuals are different in its individuality, for its personality and experience of life, and in this way they think and they act of a singular form to excessively. Therefore the factors that motivate somebody can not motivate to the other, therefore the motivation is tried differently by each individual. But why to relate endomarketing with the motivation? For some specialists in the subject the two boardings do not possess the same meant, however one complements the other. Inside of the internal marketing, the collaborators to be motivated assaz excellent for the process is.

The company who adopts endomarketing in its management must continuously stimulate its employees for the questions leaves that them truily motivated, making with that they believe and they feel themselves engaged all in the organizacional process. CONCLUSION the present work demonstrates that the philosophy of endomarketing makes with that the collaborators understand and if they identify with the culture of the company. In virtue of one it changes mutual between the two actors, the collaborators opt in remaining and allied collaborating for the success of the company, promoting its proper development and professional growth. Incorporated to this perception, endomarketing strengthens the idea of the concern of the management of the company with well-being of the people and its comprometimento with the development of the group of collaborators, what he offers they balance, security and satisfaction before the character adopted for the organization. As one technique that can be used in the management of endomarketing, empowerment is a process that diminishes the bureaucracy of the enterprise activities, becomes the organizations most competitive in the market, all improves the access and the distribution of the information between the staff. Also it is a way controlling them not to see itself overloaded in its action of control and supervision more, therefore they start to delegate, to train and to believe the capacity of its collaborators.

One concludes that the motivation is basic part of all the process. Without the presence of it in the collaborators the implementation of endomarketing does not evolve, but at the same time, the practical ones cited in this work are stimulatons and reinforcements that inside instigate the motivation of the people. REFERENCES AGUIAR, Appeared Maria Blacksmith of. Psychology applied to the administration: a boarding to interdisciplinar.