American Politics

According to Ciro F. Cardoso and H. Perez Brignolli: The process politician of the liberal reform, called to the times national organization or other similar denominations, characterize the phase of consolidation of the national states. (Cardoso and Brignolli, p.160). Liberalism can be defined as a set of principles and theories politics, that present as main point to the defense of the freedom economic politics and.

In this direction, the liberal ones are contrary to the strong control of the State in the economy and the life of the people. Economically the liberal reforms are on to the process of constitution of an appropriate land market to the exportation cultures and the formation of a market of free work, without means of production. Liberal conservatives and were elitist and feared the participation of the popular layers in the process politician. The Latin American historiografia points liberal as the carrying ones of a project of social change that would eliminate elements of the colonial societies. As conducting of new features to the Latin American societies, it is important to know the subjects that for them were raised. In relation to the financial politics, the liberal ones they thought about abolishing taxes, to finish with the tenth, defended the end of the intervention of the government in some economic subjects, as customs tariffs and aiding of public companies, but the question most controversial was in the land and the type of property defended for liberal and conservatives.

The liberal ones intended to finish with the aboriginal communal properties and to nationalize the goods of the clergy. The privileges of the church were had as harmful to the economic modernization and the idea of equal protection of law. Already the busy lands for aboriginals were considered unproductive and as survival of the colonial period.