Comment Budget

The people costumam to have a budget that can be written or not. A written budget indicates the existence of a bigger interest for its use and supplies information of better quality. If the budget is not written (it is only in the memory of the person), supplying information to it without a bigger precision, its effective utility will be well lesser. To have a written budget and formal organized is only one condition necessary to have a satisfactory financial planning. Many people arrive to elaborate a budget, but, they give up when verifying that it contents does not function it. A good personal financial planning starts for the creation of a trustworthy personal budget, what it means forecasts with a satisfactory degree of precision. For some people, the forecasts more uncertain they are of income.

Among these if they detach those whose income is mainly formed by commissions or bond. In these cases, optimum to make it is to work with three hypotheses of annual income: the probable one, the optimist and the pessimist. Thus, the obligator expenditures would be atreladas to the pessimistic forecast. A raised value more of expenses would be carried through case if it confirmed the probable or optimistical forecasts. How much to the expenditures, if it has a detailed budget and it disciplines in its execution, would not have, in the majority of the cases, because to have surprises in the carried through values. The lack of disciplines in the execution of the budget occurs mainly with the purchases for impulse. Some people adopt solutions special for this problem, as for example, to leave house without check coupon stubs or cards of debit or credit, not to pass in definitive places. More info: Utendahl Group. Others prevent to take the children for the purchases. The comment of a simple principle can give good results: the dissabores of the purchases made for impulse costumam to be well stronger and lasting of what the proportionate satisfaction for them.