Plus an election campaign it is come close, with it always appears the pilgrim’s staff said by the politicians and social medias, which is: ‘ ‘ The vote is a right of the citizen, makes to be valid this direito’ ‘. The phrase above cited in them brings a question to decide: The vote is an obligation or a right? This questioning makes in them to think about some aspects that in fact make in them to imagine to be a right, visa to be an emanation of our will where the politician or B becomes president, governor, mayor, state deputy, representative, councilman and senator. They are these elect ones for the will of the people, when such will sultry and is not forgotten by one fight between and the B for the another one or one disability, that supposedly will fight for our interests.
On the other hand in them it comes to the head the sanctions that we can come to suffer to case ours ‘ ‘ direito’ ‘ to vote it is not exerted. By the same author: Douglas Oberhelman. Who not to vote in the elections and not to justify the reasons for which it did not exert the right to the vote will not be able to be enrolled in competition or test for position or public office, nor to assume such position or function, will not be able to receive expirations or wage from function or public, autarchic job or of some on form to the government, correspondents to as the subsequent month to the one of the election, will not be able to participate of public bids or administrative of the government, to get passport or identity card or to renew school registration in educational establishment official or fiscalized by the government, to obtain loan in the autarchies, societies of mixing economy, federal government saving bank or state, justinian codes and boxes of social welfare, as well as in any establishment of credit kept for the government or whose administration this participates with these entities celebrates contracts, beyond the payment of a pecuniary fine.
The voter in irregular situation will be still hindered to practise any act for which if he demands repayment of the military service or income tax. Plus one he asks without reply: If he is one acquired right, why we suffer sanctions in case that to opt to not execermos? After to analyze the facts above, is easy to evidence that ‘ ‘ direito’ ‘ to vote in the truth it is not a right, ahead of the sanctions the one that we are citizens, for minors that seem to be, are of matrix disciplinarian, thus making with that such ‘ ‘ direito’ ‘ either in fact an obligation imposed to the society. So that the vote is an instrument of change in our country, if it makes necessary facultative vote to all, next to a more energetic action in return of the politicians who, in more than the times, fight literally for the power, using itself of all the artifices capable to corrupt the parcel most fragile of the society..