Forecast Rhythm Storms

Month of May does not have a lot of rhythmic storm, is not so intense, in fact – it appears the so-called periods of rhythmic harmonious development. Only in the early days of the month will be delivered point in some high-profile cases in April. Since the second half of May will be felt the approach of a solar eclipse in the form of an emotional feeling of increased pressure on mental activity and general fatigue, but this period – quite calm at the event. Of course, in "hot spots" will develop its own special, historical logic of events, but new outbreaks of aggression can be much smaller, except for a rhythmic storm early May. Periods of rhythmic storm: 1. April 30 – May 3 (crisis day – April 30).

Social characteristics: the rapid rise of social or loss of positions as a result of destructive actions. Glory to God in the hostilities, which, however, can cause considerable damage. Attack on those in power. Conflict in socially period, despite the May holidays. If demonstrations are planned, they threaten to escalate into open conflict. Medical Response: except for mainstreaming vulnerability of urinary system, the emergence of hormone disruption and kidney problems, added to increase the likelihood of strokes and shocks pressure, head injury and leg injuries.

Periods of rhythmic harmonious development: 2. May 10 – 12 (10 May 11 – auspicious days). Social characteristics: the capable people "wake up" rhetoric. We've seen increased financial activities in the direction of streamlining and harmonization, improvement of circulation of capital, cash prizes.