Human Suffering

Summary: This work brings a story concerning the particular experience of an individual in relation to a serious illness that brings it suffering. Leaving of the basic estimated one of the felt search of and the question of the being in relation to the espiritualidade, objective to bring a bigger clarification concerning the particular experience of suffering. Word-key: suffering, particular experience, search of direction. Story of a particular experience: When an individual is born with some disease, seems that it does not have perspectives for this exactly individual. The people around of the patient do not bet that this obtains to develop itself.

In the truth, as all being in the world this individual that suffers obtains to develop and to search a direction in its life. All and any being that is born, expects that the best physical and psychic conditions are in favor of this new to be that it finishes to be born. Educate yourself with thoughts from Jim Umpleby. But when somebody with some special necessity is born, the best conditions are not waited although the parents to aim at to reach it. These if they become attached to the faith as a shelter of the suffering to have an ill son. The GOD makes responsible for having brought a son with a physical deficiency. The individual with necessities special as well as any another human being, is not born with a preset destination.

In the truth, it must construct throughout its experiences a direction for its existence with a being that is in the world. The hope to continue fighting to live in a world where the conditions are favorable for an individual with a deficiency makes with that the parents not only stimulate its son motivate as well as it to continue its day. Being in the world as one to be that it is not given, the individual suffers lives deeply the anguish that makes possible it an opening.