According to ecologists, Marx, following Ricardo, all attribute to the origin of the value and all the wealth to the human work, neglecting the contribution of the nature. This critical one results, in my misunderstanding opinion of one: Marx uses the theory of the value-work to explain the origin of the value of exchange, in the scope of the capitalist system. The nature, on the other hand, it participates of the formation of the true wealth, that are not values of exchange, but values of use. (p.23) On accusation of ecologists Marx and Engels of produtivismo, Lowy disagrees, arguing that the authors, more than any one, had always denounced the logic of the capital, that is the accumulation of wealth, of good ‘ ‘ as end in si’ ‘ (p.24). The supreme objective of the progress technician for Marx is not the infinite cresimento of good (‘ ‘ ter’ ‘), but the reduction of the hours of working and the growth of the free time (‘ ‘ ser’ ‘). (p.24) Michael Lowy does not deny that he still has in Marx and Engels and in the marxism beyond them, ‘ ‘ a little critical position regarding the system of industrial production created by the capital and a trend to make of ‘ ‘ development of the forces produtivas’ ‘ , the main vector of progresso.’ ‘ (p.24). Thus, Lowy cites ‘ ‘ Preface to the critical contribution of the economy poltica’ ‘ as being a text ‘ ‘ cannico’ ‘ , and with one ‘ ‘ vision nothing problematizadora of the forces produtivas.’ ‘ (p.24). The author also brings a ticket of ‘ ‘ Grundrisse’ ‘ to demonstrate to little criticidade ‘ ‘ of Marx for the workmanship ‘ ‘ civilizatria’ ‘ of the capitalist production and for its brutal instrumentalizao of natureza.’ ‘ (p.25).