Picturetom Market

It is new image market demand a quality offensive at the agencies. It is by far not enough, a Web presence with an image search and one or two Specials to offer. Good photographers are picky and choose the agencies more according to many criteria. Therefore, just the simple programmed agencies due to lack of buyers and sellers will give up in 2010 or 2011. 5.) the new image market is the dream of the photographer to the Millionaire”are less and less true. Life stories such as Yuri Arcurs, who became a millionaire through the stock photography are probably once and for all the past times.

Good forums such as “Picturetom” and “Everyday of a photo producer” repeatedly point out that a photographer who would like to live from photography, must find more legs to stand on as the trade of his photos through image photo agencies. 6) microstock is indispensable from the new image market. Since 2008, the word microstock by various agencies was introduced on a wider scale. Photos are to have since then at Penny prices. This trend has become a fixture of the image market and will be still present. The agencies, who do not understand it, this trend in it To integrate business model, it will have very hard in the coming days, to get through the rounds. Any serious providers must confront these and other points in our opinion in particular from 2010. How can survive a photographer / author? Working conditions have not improved in recent years for most of the authors.

Pure Microstockanbieter, foreign stock agencies and many hobby photographers who offer their photos, have pushed the prices, you still got a few years ago. We would like to refer to a report of the website of Picturetom in particular. Under the heading no future for stock photographers photographing in times of recession “find a report that has been well researched and considered several important points.