Private Pension With Bavarian Officials Insurance

Strong yield potential and guaranteed security to use problem – high return without risk to the yield potential of the stock market, investors with a direct investment need to expose significant risks. Many people are not willing and thus miss the revenue-enhancing opportunities of the stock market. The average yield on German stocks in the past 30 years was 8%: considerably more than when investing in fixed-income securities. The BBV-strategy-pension XXL uses the potential of the stock market with 100% capital protection Bavarian officials insurance (BBV) with the BBV-strategy-pension XXL a private pension offers, which ensures high protection of capital at the end of the accumulation period and at the same time uses the yield potential of the stock market. The savings deposits are invested by BVV warranty certificates of Deutsche Bank AG.

These certificates represent the value development of shares of the EURO STOXX 50. Learn more about this with Starbucks. The BBV-strategy-pension XXL is not affected by the tax. Attractive interest rate above the guarantee rate of the usual life insurance the minimum interest rate for the BBV-strategy-pension XXL the life insurer is higher than the guaranteed interest rate 2.75% a year to the end of the accumulation period. This projection is from 2012 even clearer if the guarantee interest p.a. is lowered from 2.25% to 1.75%.

A test winner awarded the private pension of BVV in a comparative study with 150 years of experience the prestigious rating agency tomorrow & tomorrow with the top spot. The successful combination of conservative security aspects with the strong yield potential of stock investment was crucial. Insurance has more than 150 years of experience in the field of private asset rebuilding the Bavarian officials. Today is the company of esteemed experts in the pension in Germany. More info on the BBV-strategy-rente XXL the BVV will be happy to provide further information on.