Relational Sales

There was a time in which customers waited with enthusiasm the arrival of seller, its products and the brand of the product. The seller of the 1990s was a person very well dressed, equipped for the most updated knowledge about a product out to the market which came to satisfy known needs of people. Today, in the year 2011, we have a very informed buyer, knowledgeable of the latest products on the market, and despite being surrounded by many comforts, have been aware that its best moments of happiness the satisfaction of other human needs, provides them is as they are the recognition and the desire to feel important, taken into account and played. Why now is not influence, press or manipulate. He is not sold to the current customer, he purchases. He decides to whom, when, and how much is willing to pay. For this reason arises a new model called the relational sale. The new commercial scenario holds that the only important thing is the client, who goes from a passive role to an active role, where the entire sales process focuses on the, in their needs, meanings, motivating factors, form of thought, desires, lifestyle, habits and all cultural aspects to be obtained.

Relational seller, must learn to know the people surrounding their clients and providers that already operate on the client. Understand how your environment is undoubtedly key to reach with an offer to measure. The seller must be an analyst of personalities, which should if or understand that behind every purchase, there is a person. And not enough arrive at her knowing of his company, but that we must have at least one contact in common, a recommendation to reach him, an internal sponsor figure. What has not changed is that the point of contact between the seller and the customer must be the confidence.