Resource Planning Enterprise

Enterprise Architecture Enterprise Architecture is the set of organizational elements (strategic objectives, departments, processes, technology, personnel, etc..) Describing the company and relate to each other ensuring the alignment from the highest levels (strategic) to the lowest (operational) in order to optimize the generation of products and services that make the value proposition delivered to customers. This definition highlights the fact that for an alignment of the highest levels with the lowest in the company. This is important, because all areas of the company must act in harmony to achieve the goals defined by it. This sounds obvious, but in practice this approach often lose. Enterprise Architecture helps to keep things in perspective and ensure this alignment. The different levels that must be modeled in the architecture are explained below: Mission. This is the highest level and explains why the company exists.Strategy. This level defines what must be done to fulfill the mission of the company. A review of the company and its external environment (often use techniques such as SWOT analysis) to decide the best way to maximize profits given their current resources and competitive position. It is important to have a long term vision to avoid falling into the trap of short-term gains that jeopardize the future of the company. The classic models of competition are those of Michael Porter: differentiation or cost leadership. It is noteworthy that patterns begin to emerge that seek to avoid competition, creating new markets, such as blue ocean, Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. Business model. This level acts as stage-level connection between the Strategic and Business Process (without this level, the transition between them is more difficult because of the ambiguity generated by the breakthrough in the level of abstraction). It explains how the company will generate profits.You must document how is that different areas are interrelated to create value for customers. It is common to describe the stages of product innovation, relationship management with customers, Infrastructure Management, and last, financial aspects (model Pigneur and Alexander Osterwalder Yves). Business processes. At this level describes the major activities of the company (the core business). It is suggested to model the business value chain and hence obtain business processes. The processes are a set of activities and grouped together to receive input and produce an output. These processes can be automated by computer systems developed to measure or by purchasing existing systems on the market as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or BPM (Business Process Management) Network and Information Technology. This phase is concerned with the technology to be used to support business processes.Of course, all information contained in any computer system not worth much without computer networks that allow communication of such information between customers, suppliers and the company itself. Thanks to the Enterprise Architecture, you may say that the technologies (lower) are aligned to business objectives (the highest).