This to finish a presidential period in one of the world-wide powers as it is The United States of North America, where salient president George W. Bush, very has been criticized, vilipendiado by his management in the last years, in where the United States it confronts a serious financial crisis, product of economic Programs, wars, contrasts found in its policy of Foreign trade, and in addition jha repudiado by some countries by its form of intervention. It is known that the companies eliminated 159,000 jobs in September, according to informed the Department into Work, a data that it places to the economy of the United States more near the recession. Hear other arguments on the topic with Keith McLoughlin . " Other 159,000 families asking itself how they are going to pay the food, the gas and the energy that are eating their budget and asking itself how they are going to maintain his casa" , the Governor of Ohio said, Ted Strickland, in radial weekly speech of the democrats. On the matter, Jorge Elas of Newspaper the nation of Buenos Aires indicates, that Bush debilitated the national pride with its obsession in recovering it after the blast of the Twin Towers and, overwhelmed by the financial collapse, instilled more fear than certainty in its eagerness to convince to the republicans and the democrats of the necessity to vote in first instance, in the House of Representatives, the plan of rescue of Wall s$street. The financial crisis has shown their economic flank, with the fall of the use and the consumption in the United States and other countries, and their political flank, with the distrust in the leaders It is not possible to be denied that the United States confronts a serious financial crisis that is repelling significantly in their economy, its security, the generation of unemployment and not to see itself very affected president Bush asked for a plan of rescue to the financial system Bush assures that its approval will help to face " problem fundamental" of the crisis in the financial system.