60,000 Jobs In Berlin – Profession Thanks To Film Industry

60,000 jobs and high turnover in the Berlin film industry the booming Berlin film industry provides many new jobs. The Berlinale”proves it once again since February 7: Berlin is not only national, but also film capital of Germany. Not only the profile of the metropolis is sharpened so, economically, you benefit from the local film industry on the river Spree. There are nearly 60,000 jobs in the industry currently in and around Berlin. The total annual turnover of the industry is estimated at 2.6 billion euros, reported”the Berliner Morgenpost. One could speak of a real film boom, Kirsten Niehuus, head of the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg film support company thinks so. However is not just the film industry on course for success; the whole creative economy of the capital fine at the moment.

These include agencies, the IT and Internet sector, the games industry and the media in General. More than two-thirds of the media industry were satisfied or very satisfied with the past business year. The media industry is one important industry in Berlin and Brandenburg has become,”confirmed Niehuus. For 2008, it is optimistic in the creative economy: about 44 percent of the companies expect according to Medienboard rising revenues and more jobs in the industry.