Food Industrial Enterprises

For industrial enterprises in the food industry has developed a series of high performance grease separators, which can be installed in the building and into the ground. "Any growing business requires funding unexpected expenses, especially in the food business sector, which is subject to constant checks, we are talking about people's health. Therefore it is better to spend money once and install industrial grease, providing smooth operation of washing machines, long service life of pipes and compliance with all requirements of regulatory authorities, than to pay the fines and penalties or periodically stop production to repair " Grease promyshlennyyobespechivaet smooth operation of restaurants, cafes, large shopping centers and prevents clogging of pipelines and sewer systems, said CEO of Commerce and the mounting Organization LLC "Ekoter Engineering" Alex Shapiro. "Any growing business requires financing contingencies, especially in the food business sector, which is subject to constant checks, we are talking about human health, – says Alexei Shapiro. – It is better to spend money once and install industrial grease, ensuring smooth operation of washing machines, long service life of pipes and compliance with all requirements of regulatory authorities, than to pay the fines and penalties or periodically stop production to repair. " Grease traps are usually installed wherever necessary before releasing into the general system sewer clean water from the dissolved fats and oils of different origins. Industrial grease trap can be installed in a separate room or installing nest underground. Learn more at this site: Stuart B. Solomon. This will produce initial treatment of water from the fat and keep the tube in good condition.

Grease trap consists of two compartments. The first asserted by the incoming waste water are deposited large particles of dirt and particulate matter. In second chamber is an additional treatment, where due to gravity and different densities of water and fat separation is runoff, and the bulk of the fat rises to the surface of the droplets, then arrives in stock sewer. Grease traps are made of heat-resistant inert plastics. tolerate temperatures of effluent to 70 C. To prevent odor capacity grease traps are equipped with hermetic seals. More information about the industrial grease traps can be found at.

Building A House

Among the many problems and challenges that must be addressed to those who build the house, one of the most important – the future supply of family nest. To households do not feel the residents of the desert, for one inmate per day at home shall be at least 150 liters of water quality! And that's without accounting for such purposes, such as watering the garden or vegetable garden. On the luxury of a centralized water supply in most Russian villages and towns not dream dare. So the problem of providing domestic water homeowners decide according to their needs and financial possibilities. In vivo example, we will not go into fruitless arguments about the advantages of one or other decisions. Much more useful just to see how the problem of water supply has been implemented in a typical suburban cottage.

This two-story brick house at 200 square meters. m on a 15 hectare plot with a garden, vegetable garden and lawn family vacation in a beautiful location close to Istra. His boss Vitaly equip house "forever". More recently, he lives here with his wife and three children, the youngest of whom was not even half a year. They often sit and visit with her grandmother and numerous relatives and friends. "Historically, acceptable sources of water in this area was a bit – says Vitali. resource throughout. – Aquifers in our area are quite deep, so that dig a well here it makes no sense – the water will still not be enough for my family.

Professional Code

Since the local water utility produces only a preliminary preparation of water, and the worn communication added impurities and microorganisms, but here is set station water treatment system with ultraviolet disinfection. So the "reviver" tenants get clean. Accounting and control is clear that efforts to produce and deliver water nebesplatny – and we are paying for them monthly. Who is doing it for the room counters, someone – based on the standards of consumption, while others – according to devices, which, as a rule, are located in basements. In fact, the first option does not preclude third.

Moreover, even if there are apartment water meter, or hoa cc stands to mount and obschedomovy "controller". On the one hand, it allows you to quickly identify and fix leaks, on the other – to control fees water utilities. I must say that it is often willing to install such a device in his basement deterred associated problems: first, who and how will "bump" in the pipeline, which is under pressure. Second, who and how will collect the data – not all HOAs can afford to "trained person". The first problem is solved by contacting a specialist company. Typically, they take communion with the utility and put counter service. The second task also has a fairly simple solution – to organize the exchange and automatic transfer of data to a computer in the office of the Professional Code or the hoa.

It's not as difficult as it may seem, as more homes equipped dispatch system. However, not all water meters are free to report on expenditures. In this case, data transfer will have to neighboring devices. For example, the collective heat meters multical, which has two pulse output can be connected to common parts of hot and cold water. More intelligent computer with a modern unit of data transmission by gsm or radio will transmit information about the flow and heat and water control your computer or directly to your mobile phone specialist operation. This is especially handy when water meters are located in remote places. Such decisions have already been applied widely enough. For example, in the suburban Dolgoprudnom fully dispetcherizovano several new neighborhoods. I must say that control water flow and heat is available to all hoa members – from a home computer can be a real-time check how much water has flown So, a trip to the basement in search of water was completed. As seen from the tour – a modern high-rise urban subfields nothing terrible lies. On the contrary, today it is here is what provides our civilization – a complicated technique, always ready to provide us comfort. Press office ooo grundfos "