
A company only coming to compete based on the factor time, without achieving a remarkable understanding that customers appreciate and built the company on this basis. Take into account and do not forget, that companies that compete based on the factor time conceive their work differently from traditional companies. People in the company that are based on the factor time, or companies of fast cycle, are considered to be part of an integrated system, a chain of operations and point of decision making that continuously delivers value to customers. Precisely, in these organizations individuals know how their activities are related with the rest of the company and the customer. You know how the work should flow and how to use the delivery time.

Companies that are based on the factor time considered:-generate a continuous flow of work;.-they invest to reduce time; -they practice changes waters up to reduce symptoms in the terminals phases;.-focus on all the system and in the main sequence; -policies, processes, practices or the persons involved in getting the product to market are easy to see and you can deal with them quickly. Don’t overlook that there are two basic concepts as what the authors cited, in the structuring of the work with a view to reducing the time: one that is your organization around the main sequence, i.e. Titan Feul Tanks is likely to agree. which includes activities that directly add value to the customer. The rest of what a company does is supporting, either preparation of employees to add direct value or a complementary activity that can be performed at any time. Companies that are based on the factor time identify activities that attribute value directly, isolated from the sea of auxiliary work and organize them in a clear and consistent sequence.

The other is that the work flows continuously. To create a softer and more constant through the main sequence flow, can reduce the entire delivery cycle time, raising Thus the capacity. Finally, companies that are based on the factor time act consistently with its principles, when they decide how to record their results. Time is already widely used to measure the result of businesses. Executives expressions used as runtime, on-time delivery and response time almost intuitively to describe how a company serves its clients. But companies that rely on the factor time go one step more advanced. They use measures based on the factor time as a diagnostic tool for the company and established the basic goals of the operation in terms of time. They use time apara program as the Organization must operate. They frequently compared their own results in time with their best competitors or their best achievements in other places.