Latin American Nations

Decision of the Latin American Nations integrate Cuba into this system of dialogues and consultations, represents a symbolic important step for approaching the region, favoured by the multiplication of Governments of left in the subcontinent for the Cuban regime. As is public knowledge, Cuba is part of the Bolivarian alternative for the Americas (ALBA), an essentially commercial scheme promoted by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. But under a democratic clause, Havana is suspended from the Organization of American States (OAS), entity that brings together the largest number of American countries (34). However, the similarities when evaluating the financial crisis or the incorporation of Cuba to existing political mechanisms, says, may not hide the differences that distance to Latin American Nations. Perhaps more audible in Costa do Sauipe, decision will be Uruguayan to leave the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) if the former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner is appointed general Secretary of the group by vote and not by consensus. The host, Brazil, will try for his side mend fences with some of its neighbors, with whom he had a difficult year. The Government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva had to contend in recent weeks with the decision of the Ecuadorian challenge in international courts a debt with Brazil for 243 million dollars for the construction of a hydroelectric plant by the Brazilian firm Odebrecht. The work must have been repaired just a year after its delivery, what motivated the expulsion and prosecution of the Brazilian firm in Ecuador.

Brazil called on queries to one of its representatives in a South American country, its Ambassador in Quito Antonino Marques Porto, who had to explain to the U.S. Congress what happened, as it also had to do the Chancellor Celso Amorim.Lula also found in Sauipe with the Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, amid speculation about the possibility of Paraguay to reconsider the scheme of distribution of the energy generated by the binational Itaipu Dam, and the distribution of the debt of the hydroelectric power plant. On the other hand, on the first day of deliberations, the Mercosur common market Council failed agreements on the already historic discussion on double taxation in the bosom of the block, trailing since the Group was founded by Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay in 1991. Adds The Costa do Sauipe meeting had also some notable defections: Colombian President alvaro Uribe, and his Peruvian counterpart, Alan Garcia, will not be part of the quotation.

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Without political barriers. Someone who fight for the common good. For the illiterate. We do not seize him. They also have the right to live with dignity. We do not build anyone in ignorance of each other.

We magnificamos in the service to others. In DAR. And as said Amado Nervo in its poetic expressions: every man who you looking for, is going to ask you something. The boring rich, the amenity of your conversation; The poor, your money; the sad a consolation; The weak, a stimulus; that fight, a moral support; Every man you are looking for, insurance is going to ask you something; And you dare impatient you! You dare to think! That annoyance! i unhappy! The hidden law that distributes the Excellencies, mysteriously has deigned grant you the privilege of privileges, the good of the goods, the prerogative of the prerogatives i TU you give!. In how many hours has the day, you give; -even a smile, even if it is * a handshake, even a word of encouragement! verily, more better to give than to receive-personalized literacy on several occasions, I have taught and I know those faces tanned, ajados by inclement weather and carelessness, ashamed by his advanced age by learning to read and write some. Apology with your expresivos eyes by having not arrived on time with a formal educacion, as the company sends him.

I’ve seen those eyes shine with simplicity in their sense of wonder to finally distinguish the letter i from and that Pope is not written just like MOM. Some have no or glasses for minimally begin to distinguish the letters. They smile and also appreciate when given some old glasses as of our deceased grandmother. It was kept in a drawer of the wardrobe or the bedside table of our paternal House. And MOM (already died several years ago our father) grumbling guys!, shouted from afar and yard washing the clothes: Alfredo what are stirring in the closet drawer.! And one big boy now and with children in tow, responded: nothing MOM. Looking for glasses grandmother Maria-those who used with frameless glasses and the crimp and sideburns of 14 carat gold. And our mother resigned, but a little prejudiced by ignoring certain details without informing, we replied: do you have become materialistic * now? What!!! Have you gone crazy running behind inflation? Not MOM what happens is that I’m teaching a couple of illiterates to read and write and I need glasses grandmother Maria * to crush the breast and back. You have four daughters (4) and you the you spend paveando, wasting time on silly things? Why don’t you care about your family and leave than others, especially the Government undertakes the illiterate? How dear reader can explain that above glasses grandmother, my mother, my daughters, of the Government;? There is a civic love that unites me towards my fellow citizens. I’ve seen put my vote in the polls, to those embarrassed faces. The heart part. It hurts. Very deep. By the same author: Jim Umpleby. Who is that put the Bell the cat?