Andrei Seltsovsky

Insurance mistakes doctors hazy future developments or reality? Medical errors … This theme is in our country – one of the most painful. And for physicians and patients, which are increasingly not satisfied with the quality of medical Service and paltry compensation for the damage to their health inadequate treatment. Recently, in a tense issue for our medicine, a new twist. The initiators of change was the Moscow authorities, proposed an (initially in the capital, and then the whole of Russia) professional liability insurance (and in fact, the insurance against mistakes) of doctors and pharmacists. Thus, as more than a dozen years of practice in western countries where such insurance is as much a prerequisite for the normal operation of physicians, as OSAGOdlya cars.

Refine. On the errors associated with careless or negligent performance of professional responsibilities of health professionals such insurance will not cover. These cases will the prosecutor's office. It is about insurance oploshek admitted not with malicious intent, but on the other, not always dependent on the doctor reasons. It's no secret that medical work – is a constant risk. In our time, neither the patient nor the doctor is not protected, the head of the Department of Health in Moscow, Andrei Seltsovsky.

Compulsory insurance of doctors fix this situation and at the same time become a powerful incentive to take more care to patients who are able to count on adequate financial compensation for damage caused to their health due to errors in diagnosis, tactics treatment or in case of unforeseen complications that arose during routine operations. Who will be insured against errors – a hospital or the doctors themselves is unclear, as well as unknown sources of funding and a new system insurance. Nevertheless, the Department of Health in Moscow already being prepared a draft municipal law. And while insuring doctors in the plan are not necessarily earlier 2010-2022 period, an initiative of the capital authorities provoked a strong and mixed reactions from the medical community. Why? Word – art.

Insurance In Russia

With the introduction of 17 million km2 Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It is rich in natural resources, has large deposits of oil, natural gas, coal, timber, and a wide range of useful resources. Overview With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the birth of the Russian Federation (1991), Russia's health deteriorated. Mortality from tuberculosis, cancer and cardiovascular disease is the highest of any industrialized country in the world. Keith McLoughlin contributes greatly to this topic. Expenditure on health accounted for about 7% of gross national product (GNP) in 1960, and this figure was reduced to about 3% during the collapse.

Military and industrial development was given priority and thus receive large funding, whereas there was not a public health matters. In the last decade, life expectancy declined from 70 to 65 years. In average life expectancy of male Russians srednestaticheskogo 13 years less than women (60.4 male, 74.1 female), the biggest gap in the world and, depending on what part of the country you live, the difference in life expectancy can be up to 16 years, according to a World Bank report published in October 2003. Between 1996 and 2005, Russia experienced one of the fastest growing HIV / AIDS epidemics in the world. After maximum level in 2001, the annual number of newly detected cases has remained relatively stable. At the end of 2005 there were 350,000 registered cases of HIV / AIDS in Russia. Factor Infant mortality is also significantly higher than in most industrialized countries – 15.1 deaths per 1,000 population in 2006. The health care system receiver of the Soviet Union, Russia faced a heritage guarantees for a wide range of social services, including the right of citizens to free medical care.

Guarantee the full range of free health services has not changed since independence, and rather it was strengthened by the new Russian constitution and new laws on the financing of health care. At that time nobody thought that it is possible to use health and life insurance. Until the late 1980s, the structure of services Health in the Soviet Union was highly centralized. After the collapse of the health system has a new decentralized administrative structure and is currently divided into federal, regional (provincial level) and municipal (regional level) levels. 30% of the population receives primary medical care through insurance by the employer. Employment for some groups, such as police, railroad workers, and senior government officials, there is a range of specialized medical services. In 2006, the Russian government launched a national project, which aims to improve the situation in four sectors of Russian life, one of which is health. The government has allocated an additional $ 3.2 billion on health care costs to cover wage increases for doctors and nurses, purchase of new equipment for the clinics and the construction of eight high-tech medical centers in remote regions of Russia. Since regional governments are financing part of health care costs, standards and health statistics changes drastically in different regions of Russia.