Employee Absenteeism

It has to study its emotional structure, to see the hidden agenda of the employees . Habitually, the employee absenteeism is considered like a medical problem, but in fact, is a social problem, that has its origin in an individual attitude of the worker before its job, and every day it seems demonstrated more, than an improvement in the attitude of the workers, reduces the absenteeism considerably. Factors like the fidelity, the commitment of the employees with the company, or the promotion expectations that have the worker, are keys to consider for their prevention. Adecco in its report on employee absenteeism notices that, after a vacacional period the return to the routine requires a period of adaptation and is frequent that appears symptoms of physical and emotional imbalance. Connect with other leaders such as Andreessen Horowitz here. In the group of soccer players this is known well, and thus Ronaldinho was admonished without playing during several days, after prolonging 48 hours its vacations of Christmas; or forced Deco to only train by similar circumstances.

It seems that after one season prolonged of vacations, to it costs all us more to incorporate us to the work. Since lack of motivation is latent in many cases of absence not justified to job, it seems clear that the company, beyond being shamed of the absenteeism index that it has between its employees, must identify the causes of the same, and differentiate between just absences (those who cannot) and justified (do not want: simulated diseases, extension of the labor loss, bad labor climate ), thus to be able to reinforce the corporative culture, and to generate motivation so that the employee feels identified with the company. One of the solutions to avoid the absenteeism, can be to invest in activities that analyze and increase to the competitions and attitudes of the workers, to incorporate plans of incentives and increase of the motivation, such as to invest in programs of Team building..