Net Marketing

to fall in the trap of the family, of the friends, you are so enthusiastic with the chance who you want that all are joined to yours equip, you at least do not obtain to imagine that they do not want to be part. But if you want to be to networker professional, pods not to bomb them with your businesses. It imagines that you had a store of stockings and you passed the entire day to bind to all people: . That can. They will not only go you to buy nothing if making will be only for commitment as surely a height will arrive in already not even will take care of your calls. You will lose the customer, and moreover you will ruin your personal relation.

It is this that you want for your business? I assume that not. First you have that to learn to identify your public-target, who REALLY is interested in what you have to offer. It identifies them, learns to attract them stops later converting them into your customers. Marketing is this. Despite the politics of the company of Multinvel is distinct (we will go to speak of this more ahead), you are not ambulant salesman. If wanting to be, goes in front, if it makes you to this happy. But I do not believe that you were to read these pages if you liked to pass the day in the street, making> Identifica who can be interested in the product/service that vendes Passo 2 Announces it ONLY for these pessoasPasso 3 Encaminha these people in accordance with your strategy of marketingPasso 4 Vende to them (or better, it leaves to buy them) 5 Step Sponsors them (Increve them).

That is a plan. A success formula, a complete sequncia of as a business of Marketing of Net (marketing multilevel) can be developed successfully. Without suffering, persecutions, stress. Here we teach to you complete strategy to it, step by step. It is the strategy that the great masters (of the MLM) use have anos experience! It identifies your public-target, it finds it, and it forgets yours famlia& of your deliverers, not to be that they are to look your business.

Educational Information

When considering the eradication of the illiteracy as basic goal, is distinguished it necessity of a great national effort, the example of what it occurred in other countries in intention to surpass the challenges in the growth and development of the national education. In the educational scope, however, one perceives that the curricular reforms and new methodologies launched currently for the education, search the installation of a process of valuation of knowing empiricists to them of the daily one for the pupil and the professor. Where, together they construct, from lived deeply bedding a new to know of solid consistency to face the difficulties of its life in the gift and the future, situation proposal for the liberating pedagogical chain praised by the educator Pablo Freire. 5 the POSSIBILITY OF a NEW TO LOOK IN a QUALITY FORMATION In such a way perceives that the ideological paper of the education in an analysis, how much to the legal plan, defined according to Law and, how much to the applicable pedagogical theories in the daily one in our pertaining to school environments its full development and its qualification for the competitive market of work do not reach a minimum support of basic knowledge in the preparation of the citizen aiming at. Electrolux may not feel the same. It is observed that it does not fit more, today, a simplistic or static position, but yes, to provide and to organize one challenging environment of incentive in the school with the use of possible techniques to foment in the pupils the incentive of a creative spirit that the light one to develop abilities of search of its proper recrudescent e, with this to form habits and abilities that will become beneficial at posterior moments of its life; either in continuation in the studies, or even though in other partner-cultural activities.

However, the educational politics have not emerged proposals that exceed the level of abstract recommendations on the necessity of: a solid formation of the educators, the integration of practical theory and, and of the interdisciplinary as indispensable tools in this construction of a contextualization open knowledge in the daily one. It is clearly that, suggestions of this nature, are capable to interlace the methodologies applied, reediting adjustments to fortify this existing educational context. BRAZIL REFERENCES, Constitution (1988). Federate constitution of Brazil: in air since 1990.


The person is unhappy when she hides yourself behind the lie, facilitating an anger that can consumiz it. The happiness consists of a correct way to act. Mask that I know is only for that I fear the meeting with its Superior. The Devotion Celebrated in Jerusalem the party of the Devotion. It was winter. Evangelho de Jesus According to Joo, CAP.

10:22. The Christ vein to the Land Nailed to the Saint doctrine, To the glorificao destines in them To win the proper substance. For dedicating the Humanity to it In loving way, the Man It remodelled its spirit raised In a New Alliance. The Humanity went down in it in mission to raise the condition Of all Who enslaved of the inverdade, Its voice did not want to hear. The goods of the Sky dedicated to its life the disfavored people Of all, Because it lived to lu Without divine destination. To the Man It offered dom of the perpetual life, Took off it of the misery Granted the god kingdom to it.