Buy Real Estate Abroad – It Is To Be Observed!

Who want to buy real estate abroad, you should consider a few things. There are certainly many reasons for the purchase of real estate abroad. Whether as a retirement home, second home, investment or destination many Germans dreaming of own property abroad and more and more people fulfill this dream. However, the acquisition of real estate abroad is regulated often significantly different than buying a real estate in Germany. In this respect, there are alone due to the different legal frameworks to observe a lot. A particularly large importance of questioning after the possibility of purchasing and checkout.

In practice buyers fail again and again, that the acquisition of real estate for foreigners in some countries is simply prohibited. In Thailand or the Philippines it is possible, for example, only complete long-term leasing contracts as well as impossible a land purchase by a foreigner. Is the acquisition of real estate allowed (this is in most countries Case), care should be taken on a safe and professional execution. Even if roads and mobile agents seem to have real estate to seemingly unbeatable prices on hand again and again, it comes again and again problems just in such transactions. To exclude a possible embezzlement from the front in, buyers of overseas property should generally insist on a settlement through a lawyer or notary. Just so it is ensured that the contract at the end of both sides and the seller do not suddenly disappears with the money of the buyer. But even with the settlement about a lawyer, it can cause problems.

In many countries, notaries are subject to not a such strict training and supervision as in Germany. Another important aspect in connection with real estate abroad is the build quality. Many potential homebuyers expect German build quality and Western European standard in countries where usually there is a different standard. In this respect must When buying real estate abroad often smears in terms of quality are made. In most countries, there is simply no objects, which the German build quality”match and if, then, these are usually priced in the premium segment. Channel plus Ltd.