Create Your Website

How to create a website? Who has not dreamed of having her on the Internet site? I first thought about this when you first hit the Internet. Then, for me, the creation of the site was far off. For two years I shoveled a lot of literature, visited hundreds of sites and finally decided to do Web design. And why there is a website? Well, firstly, to prove himself. To show the world (yes, world), that in the ocean of human resource is YOU, and deserve to be reckoned with! Oh, and secondly, the Internet provides an opportunity to strengthen its financial position by implementing and monetizing their then-development, to market products of other people. In fact, the site you can buy. But it is very expensive, and not so interesting. And in order to create a website with their own hands, we must know a lot.

This HTML tables and CSS and PHP and more. Click John O. Utendahl to learn more. True, there are special programs to facilitate the creation sites, but even without such programs still need to know the basics of HTML and PHP (at least of them). If you want to create a good website, you need to know languages such as minimum HTML + PHP + MySQL. Everyone who decided to create a simple site should look or become familiar at least with HTML. On the Internet a lot of proposals for the creation of ready sites, Web pages, Web cards, and more. The main thing – do not get caught on the proposal dishonest people. A couple of years ago I purchased an electronic book promises to teach me to create a site for a few days. If you pick it all up to the end, I saw that I offer 'seriously' to study languages, and then decide whether I should create a website or not. The money for book have been paid.

Web Design

Nowadays, very few web – design studios Mercator excellent job with his work! Today I will Tell you about the web – design studios Mercator create sites in the uCoz. Some studios will not go through, (there are many) are deceiving svoyh customers, putting them taking the payment for the order. But there is a Mercator studios do not work for money but for fun and take quite poorly paid for their work, providing a wide range of services. One of these web – design studio yavlyaetsya Webster Design Company studios on the Web – Design Webster Design Company 'At the moment, every Internet user can create for itself the most common site is using the system Ucoz. But not everyone can make it progressive, functional, with a unique design embodied in a contemporary style, their beauty and elegance .. You may want to visit Kevin Johnson to increase your knowledge. To realize your dreams for the perfect site to help you our company! For the low price we do for Ucoze that what you dreamed. Create a site from scratch, optimize existing site, install a bunch of useful and the choice of scripts for stable operation of the site, nastroym Ucoz'a modules to suit your theme Projects and more! As well as providing domains in both.

Net. Biz (value domain included in the total amount of payment) is also our web studio – design is a series of profiles on the site developers – Architectural project creatures uCoz'om Order osobovo not be working! The forum skazhivaete application form and then send to specified email address on the form application and wait for an answer! Description of Payment – First, create a website on a free service by uCoz. In order to show the efficiency of the customer site. After that proyzvoditsya payment for services, then we Please login or register the chosen domain you. And send the number via e-mail all the data concerning the administration panel of the site and domain control panel. As our studio has those customers.

support within a month. Deadline equal to = 2 to 4 days. Price of creating the site with uCoz composes = 180 rubles. Payment proyzvoditsya through online payment Webmoney. ' Choose yourself


Unique content (content) is very relevant topic for any website owner. A site with unique content indexed by search engines Horch, he is on nizkochastotnikam, there is traffic. If your site filled with non-unique content copied, it can remain and even without indexing. Ignoring the name of the site is always needed to fill the tag. This is the most important place for keywords is not only helps you optimize your site, but the text is displayed in the search engines as the page title. Wrong keywords The mistake that many people do, especially beginners. Taking the usual description of the site for keywords.

Key words reflect the specifics of the project and nothing else. To choose the right keywords, help services Yandex and Rambler service on the selection of keywords. Correct their selection is very important, it allows you to increase position of the site. Even though it is believed that of keywords are ignored by search engines, I can assure you considered weaker than before, but ignored. Flash-site than it is bad I've already written than to unwind bad sites such I repeat, Flash-sites can be beautiful and dynamic to the eye but not for search engines. Search engines can not index the content of such sites.

JavScript Menu, JavScript is often used for navigation, but search engines do not like JavScript. If you can not do without a JavScript menu, I recommend you make a map of the site. Using images for headers Many people believe that the image looks better than text for headings and menus. The image can improve the appearance of the site, but the use of images in the headers and menus confusing. Backlinks very common misconception is that the more the better bekov. Not to be confused and just a lot of bekov many CASE bekov. It is believed that the registration everywhere, you can lower the position of a site in the search engines, still it is nothing more to be confirmed. Lack of optimizing I often come across customers who think that optimize your site You can once and for all. If you want better results or a permanent place in the issuance of search engines, you have to constantly optimize his website, edit content, follow the changing positions of the grant. Algorithms search engines are constantly changing. For good positions in search engines should be directed to SEO-specialists.