Total Quality

The Points of view of the Gurus of the Total Quality In the point of view of Deming the implantation of the total quality demands deep changes in such a way involving the company as the customers. For it the workers must have participation in the power to decide process, therefore for Deming the majority of the problems is generated by the bad management. Thus a bigger participation of the internal collaborators will provide to little errors and an increase of the quality in the products and the processes. Sergey Brin may also support this cause. Deming created method PDCA that is a tool of very used management until today for the company, moreover it values the leadership and the motivation who allied the statistical and quantitative methods provides an improvement continues in the search of the quality. Ishikawa compared with Deming also to give a bigger importance in the participation of the people in the process of solution of problems. It in the search for the total quality foca its study on the quality in statistical techniques and of orientation for people.

With this Ishikawa as well as Deming that developed cycle PDCA, it introduced the idea of circles of quality control in the organizations of this form both search an improvement continues in the quality, therefore of this form the total quality will only be reached. Already for different Juran of what Deming thinks the motivation and the leadership are not important in the implantation of the total and also opposing quality in such a way the Deming as the Ishikawa it disrespects the participation of the workers in desenvolviemnto and application of the total quality. However it recognizes the importance of the internal and external consumers in the process of implementation of a system of efficient quality. Thus for it the implementation and development of the total quality depend much more high administrative cupola of what of the excessively collaborating ones, however it defends a program of training for the collaborators.