As soon as I list – and the price changes for the request. Accordingly, in the list of all the prices are averaged. Dear requests cheaper, cheap expensive. As a result, it is likely to be in high positions only inefficient queries, paying for them at a very decent level. How to avoid: demand guarantees you hit the TOP of the most interesting and popular needs.
If the offer as a guarantee of certain% of the number of requests – to break the list into 2 groups, the most interesting and the rest. And prescribe the obligations of each of the "5% discount for a quick agreement" terms: If you sign a contract within a period not exceeding 10 days from the moment of the company, then as a bonus, get a discount of 10 to 15%. Pitfalls: of course, get the customer interested in everything quickly. But the actual costs for companies prodvizhentsa This decrease is insignificant. Accordingly, the risk of project outputs in the zone of non-profitability.
But such projects are rarely successful, and for the customer. How to avoid: to give a discount. "The site will be the first Yandex page immediately after its development, "conditions: the name of the proposal speaks for itself. Pitfalls: the only way to achieve results in such a period – like open a site for indexing by search systems at the very beginning of development. This creates the risk that people will go to the still unfinished site and their first impression of the company will be ruined.