Translated from Russian by bodily symptom absolutely any, in whatever body he felt neither offers us something to bring to our lives, to change something in it. Moreover, the message body symptoms – always good. For more specific information, check out XOM. It is never a punishment. It is important to ask yourself is not ‘why me’ and ‘why’, then there will be understanding the language of solid symptom. Procedural approach in psychology and just started with the fact that the founder this trend – Arnold Mindell realized that he said his symptoms.
Because of this he had cured himself of a serious illness. Through the work with physical symptoms and understanding of his message becomes possible to return to present themselves at their own unique way of life. This, in turn, brings healing and resolution of many other problems. Caught in a bear not long ago I had a very interesting work with the client, the which had a perennial disease dermatitis. It is irritating to the skin, which is considered virtually untreatable in full, and many, many years, people living with this very serious condition, softening his only hormonal ointments.
The woman has ever appeared on the arms and cracks at the bend of joints: hands is not possible to soak in the body after bathing, not passing the pain, we always want to comb the wound and need to keep yourself from it so as not to become worse. And with some stress man lived for many years! We started working with bodily symptoms and allowed themselves to do what he offered us: to begin to comb … Of course, not combed her hand.