With the onset of the spring-summer season, thousands of truckers in a hurry on their plots of land, hoping to enjoy the sun, clean water, green forest, the work in the fresh air aroma of kebabs. … However, this idyll often disturbed by the presence next to us uninvited guests – flies, mosquitoes, moles, mice and other small little animals that could ruffle even the most patient person. And if you from monotonous buzz of small You can get rid of the bloodsuckers with fire and smoke, what to do when the birds are carefully bred us spoil the fruit, and moles search through the area so that it becomes like a battlefield? Scarecrow is not able to help as birds do not react to them, and use the poison – a more expensive. The best way out would be Scarers ultrasound, which are used to effectively fight against moles, rats, mice, cockroaches and other insects.
The most important that such Scarers not create electromagnetic interference, and no adverse effects on human health. In the forest, will help you cope with flying vermin Scarers mosquitoes and other insects in the form of remote control – These are often also Scarers personal siren and flashlight in one superminiatyurnom device and combine several functions. Using this remote control you can not only repel mosquitoes and sandflies in the a distance of 1-2 meters, but also to use the device for personal safety. Ultrasonic repeller mole used to control rodents earth. It is known that rodents use their sharpened hearing organs for the capture of vibration of the soil.
The vibration of the soil, which causes sound waves repeller, rodent warns of the dangers and forcing them to flee. If you are running close to the vicious dog, then you can protect yourself and your family from bites by the dogs repeller. Such Scarers keeps dogs at a safe distance, using the radiation in the direction of the dog ultrasonic waves, and flashes superbright LEDs. Ultrasound can not be heard by man, and therefore not harmful to his health. Scarers dogs can work as a flashlight, and some of them even have the function of training dogs to remember her voice or sign team owner. We hope that the ultrasound will help you get rid of Scarers uninvited guests from the plot, and each trip to the farmland will be unforgettable.