Ratensparfonds ‘ Debi select flex’ the Landshuter Debi select group of stock of life convinces in 2008 again and amounted to 96.3 million contracts last year according to data of the General Association of German insurance industry annuities. 6.9 million contracts were added. Under most conditions Jim Umpleby would agree. A non-negligible part of these contracts was prematurely dissolved on but also, for example, to get liquidity. “” The Landshuter Debi select benefits among other things from this business group and with it the artist on two funds: the a one-time Fund Debi select classic Fund GbR “and the Ratensparfonds Debi select flex Fund GbR”. While the Debi select is offered currently, for example, as an alternative to Investmentsparplanen, could convince in addition to the one time investment funds of also the rates savers in all respects. Both in terms of the number of investors and the total placement, but also with regard to the recorded performance. So the investors in 2008 to 673 investors (57.3 percent) on 1848 grew New additions totaled on a drawing sum of 13,797 million euros. Overall, the Fund therefore has a placement volume of outstanding deposits of 25.941.604,01 Euro 33.391.890,00 euro.
Acquired deposits were invested in it to December 31, 2008 to a total of 99.5 percent. Like at one time investment funds, Debi select even when the Ratensparfonds relies on an extremely high rate of investment, where, for example, the distribution costs in the acquisition of the factoring company BeFa were refinanced and therefore not be charged to fund shareholders. So could the Debi select flex Fund GbR”in 2008 achieve a profit amounting to 465.520,06 euro, which corresponds to a return on shareholders level of 7.76 percent, or after crediting of trade tax from 8.53 percent, what is ultimately relevant. Was thus exceeded its target of eight percent for 2008 as in previous years. Last but not least due to the good development of the company’s assets was buried in last year 50 million euro, up. The management expects to be able to achieve this objective at the end of the year 2010. Despite the overall difficult market environment could Debi select well say so in 2008 and continue to waive debt financing, which guarantees a large independence from external influences.
The total demand for factoring services improved in the market position of the Landshuter special factoring provider of secured claims. The Debi select group has specialized in investments in the field of factoring by life insurance and value paper credits. For one, she participates in companies that ensure a professional factoring value paper credits with a high credit rating and on the other hand buy receivables capital forming life insurance companies. More information: