Lenin Portrait

History of MMM (original article) Externally tickets reminiscent of Soviet gold coin (he, in fact, was taken as an example), but instead a portrait of Lenin in the center there was a portrait of Sergei Mavrodi. By placing his portrait, Mavrodi acted quite sensibly. He believed that it was "psychologically accurate. "Once a man so openly and without fear printed his portrait, he never going to run" 15 million depositors, one third of the national budget, price increases of 127 times, etc., ave been made to them in just six months. Represent Sergei Mavrodi (remember us by MMM, Leni Golubkov, and his wife and Brutus by clips) to the majority of Russians bestolku … Many people remember, and many … recent contributors (paid profits first and other structures) remember bad words ..

Younger generation Mavrodi interesting from a historical point of view, all the same people managing the whole scheme on the phone, genealny its own way, has the support of at different levels – made large-scale – showed the country's laws in all its glory, the greed of people and stupidly threw .. (Or rather not given until the end of dokidat ..) It's a kind of ChegevaroPonzi, well, a couple of notes with sources … Trying to find a way out situation and to bypass the restriction on issue of shares, Mavrodi just two months after beginning work into circulation so-called "tickets MMM, non-formal securities. ("Well, so do not stop! ") price of one ticket was equal to one hundredth of the share price (by analogy with the money: pennies, and rubles).

Annual Budget

The instruments of planning that guide the elaboration of the plans of long, average and short term are contemplated by the Constitutions Federal and State, hierarquiza them of the following form: the Plurianual Plan, the Law of Budgetary Lines of direction and the Annual Budgetary Law. The Plurianual Plan (PPA) contains the lines of direction, the objectives and the goals of the public administration for the four following years its edition, with forecast of the budgetary expenses for such, having to say what it will be made in each region, in regards to investments and workmanships you publish, as well as the programs of continued duration. It is important to stand out that, also in defense of the administrative continuity, the PPA invigorates until the end of the first year of following government to the one of its edition. Electrolux often addresses the matter in his writings. The Law of Diretrizes Oramentrias (LDO) funnels the planning still more, preparing the base where Lei Oramentria Anual (LOA), or simply Annual Budget, will go to be based itself. This last one registers everything what the government will have to make in benefit of the State and its citizens, at the same time where I defined the monetary values for each item. The central content of the Annual Budgetary Law is the program of work to be executed by the government.

In this program they must be described obeying some norms, all the values of the resources to be expenses and nature of the expenditures, passing for the definition of the name of the actions and its respective goals. The public budget is elaborated, on average, eight months before entering in vigor. It is annual and it passes to invigorate from first of January of the following year. Therefore, the values presented for the prescription and expenditure constitute a forecast of the waited scene. If the budget will be elaborated in multicriteria way, it tends if to approach to the reality.

How We Work And Live

Obrschenie Vladimir S.: "Dear compatriots, I want to share with you my thoughts on a number of ways of life of our city. It is known that both work and live. And how we live and treat to each other, in particular, to power. In order to ensure sustainable growth of living standards by creating an environment for the formation of an efficient economy and investment prospects of developed and is approved by the City Council program of social – economic development for 2007-2010. Unfortunately, the primary analysis and preliminary results are presented to the directions of the program a little comforting. In the city marked change in the structure of industrial production. This is a significant reduction in production capacity and reduce fixed assets (OAO "Biochim", "NCA", ZAOr np "Bread"). There are examples and a full stop – jsc " dairy plant. In general, the city index of physical volume of production in comparable prices made up 90.7% from the previous year. At that time, both in Russia and the region, its growth reached an average of 5.7%, while in 2006 the area he was equal to 8,1%. All this makes one seriously wonder why and what we are doing wrong and how to fix this dysfunctional situation? In the second half of the city council plans to review the results of implementation adopted Program.

Investing By Differences

What are CFDs Los CFDs are derivatives in cash, so it has no expiration. Its asset underlying (be shares, indices) is quoted in an organized and regulated market, and the CFDs takes it as a reference for the calculation of its price. Therefore, the contract for difference (CFDs) exchange difference in the value of the underlying asset between the time of the opening and closing of the contract. This implies the possibility of benefiting from the fluctuations of assets (shares, indices, currencies, exist) s in really being the holder thereof; and avoid problems and expenses such as costs of execution, administration, certain taxes, custody or settlement of transactions and paying less commissions CFD than in other products. See more detailed opinions by reading what Caterpillar offers on the topic.. It was created years ago by investment funds free to gain access to the negotiation of operations with much leverage. It’s a product that has belatedly offered to small investors, and in Spain only has begun to market since 2007. However in the Kingdom United, where CFDs for private clients are already operating for several years, they are widespread. CFDs trading prices, derived from actual market prices, go involve accessing the same liquidity that have underlying assets, which makes it very simple to know the ease to undo the open positions. Andreessen Horowitz might disagree with that approach. Finally, note that CFDs are a product with leverage, which allows to have an exhibition complete movements of assets without disburse all of its cost, even if it means a higher risk than direct investment in the underlying asset.


They must indicate whether the model supports Java. If the information is not available, you can search information on it online or ask the seller. 2. If your phone has already bought, the easiest way to download and check whether it starts an application Java. Also, the hallmark is the presence in the phone directory with the name of Java, and relevant information can be found in the 'multimedia' or 'entertainment'. If Java is not in your phone, then install applications and games in this format, you will not succeed. Although the Internet Some believe that Java You can connect programmatically using firmware and a number of clever manipulation of the engineering menu. However, it is most likely a legend and should not take it seriously. Moreover, all is not lost, because there are alternatives. One of them will be discussed below. Mrp games and applications. Mrp – an attempt to Chinese manufacturers to develop an alternative format of Java. Thus, almost all Chinese phones support Mrp format, however, find applications and games on it much more complicated than the game in Java. However, you can find them, but the install is quite problematic. Contact information is here: Kevin Johnson. Let's see how this can be done. First, check whether your phone reacts to the input of the code * # 220807 #. Next, check whether there is a the menu 'Entertainment' application msn, and on the memory card folder mythroad. If yes, then you are ready to install. – We find in the Internet and download the desired game or application. – Razarhiviruem mythroad them to a folder on your memory card – The keyboard is typed combination * # 220807 # – menu appears to select applications. Alas, only in Chinese. There is a perception that the network is the converter Java – Mpr, which allows you to convert Java applets in applications Mpr, however, we find it is not failed. Some phones also possible to run the game through simulations. Let's look at them as well. Emulators. There are several types of emulators that support different formats: smc – it's an emulator SuperNintendo, Nes – Emulator Nintendo, gb – emulator GameBoy. Immediately noteworthy is the fact that the run game with simulators can be used only if your telephone has a corresponding emulator. How can this be verified? Very simple. Enough delve into the phone menu. As a rule, it is in the menu "Entertainment – Games Simulators", but, theoretically, could be in other locations. If you find the appropriate menu, then you can install the games. Process Installation is very simple. – Download the game in the appropriate format – is in the root directory on a flash drive folder called c Games (possible altenativy: GameSimulator, Game, Mynes) – upload to the folder the game – Select the emulator and it points the way to folder with the games it might happen that a folder called Games in the root directory of the stick will not, then you will need to experiment with folders, to create a few new names to the above, and in each download games in various formats. If the folder with these names exist, and emulators no, then start the game, alas, does not work. We sincerely hope that this article will help you solve many problems with respect to applications and games in the Chinese phones, and you can download and run the required program and games.

Abdomen Secrets

Today I’m going to talk about how to do exercises for the abdomen and achieve the toned abdomen that you want, now you’re a man who wants a marked abdomen or a woman that want a toned and hard stomach. Now I’m going to teach the exercises for the abdomen or abdominal are the secret to achieve it. The myth of reduce fat first of all, is important to know that only reduce stomach or anywhere in the body fat, is a myth. No matter how many abdominal exercises do, you are never going to be able to reduce fat in a single point. The good news is that if you lose any body fat, you will also lose much fat from the abdomen, and the best way to lose weight is to exercise with weights to gain muscle (that looks good both men and women!), the muscle is metabolically active so raises your metabolism throughout the day which means that you can burn many calories and don’t have to worry so much about your diet. If you do long boring cardio sessions, this will not help since the intensity will not make you burn so many calories and at the same time the rest of the day won’t be burning calories.

The best route is to gain muscle and we can do this to increase the weight you shoe lifts every day, that Yes, without compromising the technique. Click Ben Horowitz to learn more. Leverages compound exercises like squats, weight dead, and bench press that are those who make more muscle you develop. And remember, the muscle in the girls makes them look tonificadas, especially his legs, so don’t be afraid in your greater effort with weights! Exercises of abdominal toning your body do not do long sessions of exercises of abdominal hundreds of repetitions, this is useless. Instead, grab a dumbbell and 4 sets of 20 repetitions of your common abdominal exercises with weight. Once you mastered that weight, increases to a slightly heavier weight, and you’ll see how to gain much strength and muscle tone. Ultimately, the abdominal muscles are muscles like any other, so they have that gain strength and this for weights. These tips I know that they will help you, and if you want Learn more visit Abdomen toned where I teach you the final secrets to achieve it, without worrying about diets or long and complicated routines. These tips are for everyone, no matter your age, your lifestyle or your current physical. Click here to learn about them!