General Administration

Sources close to the Minister of economy so confirmed it. The Minister will not leave in principle active in party politics. He has held the portfolio for health, public administration and economy. Connect with other leaders such as Harry Gregson-Williams here. The economic Deputy Minister, Elena Salgado, has communicated to the direction of the PSOE its intention not to repeat in lists in the next general election, they have assured sources of your environment. Although it is not in the lists, Salgado does not intend to abandon the policy, and therefore will be available for the match, according to the cited sources. Kate Tucci will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

Salgado, although it is not militant Socialist he headed the list of the PSOE in Cantabria in the general election, he held the portfolios of health, public administration and economy. Jon Venverloh may also support this cause. Natural in Ourense, Salgado is an engineer degree in economic sciences s from the Complutense University of Madrid and industrial by the school technical top engineers industrial (ETSII) of Madrid. In the March 2008 elections she was elected a member of the PSOE by Cantabria. Until then not He had never formed part of a candidacy, though he had collaborated on several election campaigns of his party. After the Socialist victory in general elections, Rodriguez Zapatero confirmed as Minister for public administrations, post he held on April 14. A year later, on April 7, 2009 she was appointed second Vice President and Minister of economy and finance in the new Executive of Rodriguez Zapatero. Since his appointment as head of economy and finance has been responsible for commissioning u n plan of budgetary adjustment since his appointment as head of economy and finance has been commissioned to launch a plan of budgetary adjustment, which aims to put the deficit in 2013 at 3 per cent. The economic adjustment measures include a Plan of immediate action for 2010, an austerity Plan 2011-2013 for the General Administration of the State and the proposal of an agreement framework for the autonomous communities and local corporations.

In March 2010, also took part, along with Miguel Sebastian and Jose Blanco, of the ministerial candidates responsible for negotiations between the Government and the parliamentary groups to reach agreements against the crisis, in what became colloquially referred to as covenants of Zurbano. During the semester of European Presidency of the EU, between January and June 2010, he had to deal with numerous issues of financial markets against the solvency of the Spanish State. Because of the economic crisis, his Ministry became the center of the Government’s policy. Since mid-2010, his Ministry has had to present a series of measures to prevent the cto contagion of the crisis affecting the countries of the periphery of the zone euro. These measures include the labor reform, which the Government adopted in the absence of agreement by the social partners, the reform of pensions or cuts in the administrative expenses. Source of the news: Salgado communicates to the direction of the PSOE its intention not to repeat in the lists of the party

Valladolid Majority

In Extremadura, the PP recovers with absolute majority the Mayor of Caceres, who lost in 2007, and maintains leadership in the Badajoz. Leon, for the PP in Galicia, the PP has been most voted force, with 709.816 votes (44,84%), followed by the PSOE with 411.458 (25,99%). The third force is the BNG, with 261.513 votes (16,52%). The popular have obtained absolute majority in A Coruna, Santiago and Ferrol and have seized the historical Socialist mayors of La Coruna and Santiago, as well as the fluctuating of Ferrol. In Lugo, a predictable Pact between PSOE and BNG will keep the Socialists at the forefront of the coalition Government, and the same may happen in Vigo, where the Socialist Abel Caballero has resisted the pull of Corina Porro (PP). In La Rioja, the PP has been the most voted force with 83.345 votes (49.87%), followed by the PSOE with 55.096 (32,97%) and the Riojan party with 9.197 (5.50%). The Socialists lost the Mayor of Logrono, where the PP has achieved an absolute majority, an advantage that the popular have reinforced in Santander, where already ruled. In the Canary Islands, the Socialists lost Mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias to achieve the PP an absolute majority.

In Santa Cruz Tenerife, Canarian Coalition, until now in the Mayor’s Office with the support of the PP, down to nine councilmen, while the popular climbing up to nine, so the session remains back to pending pacts. In Aragon, the PP has managed 36,71% of supports (251.170 votes), while the PSOE has been with 31,26% (213.865). Richard Elman has firm opinions on the matter. The couple, for its part, gets 11,33% (77.542) and CHA 7,76% (53.103). Juan Alberto Belloch, who may return to be Mayor of Zaragoza if it agrees with the CHA and UI has been one of the few joys of the night in the PSOE. Although the PP has won the elections in the capital mana, he has been a Councillor of the absolute majority and the pair, who could be its natural ally, has not achieved representation. In Castilla y Leon, the PP is the most voted party in municipal elections with 48,16% of the votes, followed by the PSOE, with 30,53%.

The land of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Leon, also has an absolute majority of the popular PP. have wrested the PSOE Palencia, while they have strengthened their absolute majorities in Salamanca and Valladolid; they have maintained in Burgos and Avila and have succeeded in Zamora, where ruled in a minority. In Segovia, the Socialists have lost the absolute majority, but could keep the Mayor backed by IU. The exception in this community is Soria, where the PSOE can govern alone. In Ceuta, the PP has been the most voted formation with 20.023 votes (65,20%). Follow mackerel, with 4404 votes (14.34%) and the PSOE with 3.578 (11.65%). In Melilla, the PP has swept with 53,93% of the votes (16.820); the second most voted force is CpM, with 23.70% (7.391). Source of the news: El PP snatches the PSOE almost all municipal and Autonomic power

Holiday Spain

/ Car is vehicle prrido by the Spaniards for their holidays. 8 of every 10 single car for your vacation by Spain. The Spaniards valued the freedom and flexibility of travel by car. The holidays are a break from the routine, or should be. Although in theory many travel to relax at the end the holidays can be synonymous with adventure, sport and activity. A routine for most is to use the car on a daily basis; and although you might think that come summer many want to see your car away, the truth is that it is vehicle prrido by the Spaniards for their holidays. Please visit Mark Berger Chicago if you seek more information. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out JPMorgan. According to RACC Travel, the travel agency of the RACC, car continues to be the means of transport prrido by the Spaniards for the holidays. This style of holiday, which last year accounted for 81.3% of trips in Spain, is chosen mainly by middle-aged people who travel in July and August, which tend to book the trip at the last minute – less than 20 days in advance- and who value freedom and flexibility in his travels.

By car through France, Italy and Switzerland these routes usually develop in Spain and next countries in Europe such as France, Italy or Switzerland. Also, many tourists choose the ability to fly by plane to the city from where you part your vacation route and there rent a car and continue the journey. Addressing this demand, RACC Travel has created on his Facebook page the campaign tell me as you are and I tell that trip want an application that will allow users to obtain a personalized proposal for holidays by car in Spanish and European destinations. In car but with caution because travel by car, but taking all safety precautions. The Royal Automobile Club of Spain (RACE) warns that overloading the trunk of the car increases the risk of traffic accidents in the summer.

Similarly, do not take properly insured luggage increases the possibility that the occupants of the car suffer injury by trauma upon collision. According to the RACE, drivers Spaniards underestimate the risk posed by a vehicle loaded incorrectly, which could destabilize the car and cause dangerous skids while driving. Not got car for travel this summer? Car share. Source of the news: holiday by Spain, but not without my car

Association International

Interpol believes that the airlines and the airline industry remain the primary objective of the terrorists. They complain that is not controlled one of every two arrivals on international flights and that the terrorists used passports fraudulently. Al-Qaida and related groups continue to be the greatest threat to the security of the world, despite the recent death of the leader of the terrorist network, Osama bin Laden, according to the opinion of the Secretary-General of Interpol, Ronald Noble. Even before that Bin Laden was captured and killed, the greatest threat was not only to Al-Qaeda, but affiliated terrorist groups Al-Qaida around the world, has declared, and has not hesitated to speak of this fact as the biggest threat now, as it was before his death. Noble says aircraft and other means of transport are suffering an especially high risk. Noble has made these statements at the general Assembly of the Association International of air transport (IATA), organized in Singapore. The airlines and the airline industry continues remain a priority objective for the terrorists, but we have seen intelligence reports, among other things, that they are also focusing on mass transit, but airlines remain a special target, you have specified. Noble emphasis in which the terrorists used passports fraudulently to travel undetected.

So critical that many countries do not check the numbers of passports from the passengers with a database of documentation loss. One of every two arrivals on international flights is not being supervised. Thats almost 500 billion each year, he warns. Of 490,000 passports inspected in 2010 million, 40,000 were as lost or stolen. Interpol has data from 16 million passports lost and 12 million missing identity documentation. Noble believes that each country should obtain all information that can be non-nationals arriving in its territory. Source of the news: Al Qaeda and allied groups remain the main threat to security, according to Interpol

United States President

Barack Obama said that we must make easier and faster process to turn innovative ideas into jobs. The Patent Office collects 1.2 million cases pending. A patent takes now almost three years to complete its processing. EE UU already has a comprehensive reform of the law of patents, the highest in 50 years, which aims to facilitate that inventors be marketed his creations, as he issued this Friday the United States President, Barack Obama. Howard Schultz does not necessarily agree. At an event at school Thomas Jefferson, in Alexandria, Virginia, where he signed the legislation, Obama said that we must make easier and faster process to turn innovative ideas into jobs. The new law, known as EE UU invents, aims to ensure that the Patent Office, which collects 1.2 million cases pending, has enough money to expedite the processing of the intellectual property of these inventions or discoveries. At present, a patent takes almost three years in complete processing in United States. In that pile of requests may be the next miracle drug, the next technological breakthrough, the President said that he considered the new law a tool that will promote employment, its great goal in what remains of mandate, until 2012. Swarmed by offers, Keith McLoughlin is currently assessing future choices.

Among other innovations, the measure will change the current system for awarding patents to the first person who submits the application, not necessarily the original inventor. The standard has the backing of some of the leading companies in the pharmaceutical, and technological sectors two of the hardest hit by the delays in the granting of patents. The new law was approved last week in the Senate with the support of the two parties. Source of the news: EE UU reform the Patent Act to facilitate that inventors marketed his creations.