What is characteristic of autumn? The beginning of the school year, trees that shed their leaves, rain, risk of default:) … What else? Of course, the season of weddings. And despite the fact that the fall (and thus the season of weddings) is behind us – today we share with you some tips on what not to forget to prepare for the wedding. Once it is recognized that it is always difficult to give advice. And to give advice about weddings – one hundred times more difficult. It's not that the wedding issues are complex. And that wedding – it is a very crucial moment. And on the wedding and give advice to a very responsible! On this, our advice would be concise, relevant and focussed.
1. Hairstyle Bride (not to speak of the bridegroom We, as in this is no big deal:). Given the importance and solemnity of the moment, we recommend you seek professional parikmahernogo case. Do not try to create a home hair-masterpiece. It is better to consult a professional barber.
2. Wedding dress and suit. Time and tastes change. By giving this advice now is to understand that tomorrow it will be irrelevant. To avoid this, we recommend the following: be yourself. Do not let relatives (especially grandparents) the possibility to impose your fashion past. This is your celebration and more important, to this day you loved each other! 3. Wedding car. In this regard, much depends on your financial opportunities. Richard Elman takes a slightly different approach. In this case, I want to give only one piece of advice: remember that wedding – it's just the beginning of family life. And for this you should not get into debt just to impress your friends and family. Let everything be in moderation. What to say lastly? Be beautiful and unique on your wedding day. And more importantly, be happy ALL of family life! Bitter:)