Deutsche Telekom

All the more proud, we, the social games publisher and Facebook through starter Nordeus are already longer helping and thus to be able to contribute our part in improving the profitability of its successful games with our technology”, Tom Sente, CEO of HoneyTracks GmbH. Gartner Inc., one of the leading and largest market research institutes in the field of technology, predicted already in June 2011 for the digital game industry even a worldwide growth of 20 percent with sales amounting to US$ 85 billion by 2015. The US market researcher DFC intelligence confirmed this positive statement with its forecast last month once again up to the year 2017 and a sales volume of $ 78 billion. Thus a worldwide fast growing business model for the future of global digital entertainment found only in the games industry, as Gartner Inc. already 2011 finished. Here is the big data analytics technology from HoneyTracks.

The number of live data, whose potential in the industry until today only is exploited, can it read in detail with the analytical tools of the Munich-based company in real time and used. The focus is on increasing the pleasure of the game, as well as on optimizing the monetization (such as economics) the respective title of the games. Also can be addressed more effectively to changing needs of players or new trends. The software solutions offered as software-as-a-service business model, short SaS can be implemented both during the phase of games developments after their release. The evaluated data are reprocessed customer requirements and accordingly graphically processed. The amount of data generated in our Division is growing rapidly. With the optimization software of HoneyTracks we succeed, raising the potential of these data and prepare them as needed. The results help us to make the right decisions”, says Marko Hein, Vice President games at Deutsche Telekom. In addition, HoneyTracks received with his powerful Technology already several awards: the young companies in the winning team of the best German big data start-ups was recorded within the framework of the IBM big data-SmartCamps 2012 and in the same year, SAP awarded in his HANA-start-up Forum HoneyTracks as the winner.

Board Protocol

The PDF accessibility checker (PAC 2) is the first tool that builds on the Matterhorn Protocol Berlin, August 8, 2013. The PDF Association today announced the release of the Matterhorn Protocol version 1.0. Thus, the practical implementation of the PDF/UA standards (ISO 14289) for creation and use of accessible PDF documents is being driven significantly. The PDF technology is an extensive and complex architecture for the representation of various documents. Without limiting this diversity, PDF/UA determines how the unrestricted accessibility can be ensured of content in PDF files for people with disabilities.

Reading order font using the PDF/UA standard defines requirements, barriers when accessing page contents, form fields, annotations, metadata and other elements of the PDF files to exclude. Thus, users who use special tools such as screen readers, special mouse or voice output and input, with electronic content in PDF documents can interact. The Matterhorn Protocol was developed to promote the introduction of PDF/UA in practice. It consists of 31 test sections, which are composed of 136 individual, precisely defined error conditions. This facilitates software vendors developing programs for the creation and review PDF/UA-compliant PDF files and forms. “” Each Matterhorn test section forms a special range of compliance requirements, such as such as setting the text language “or metadata”. Each error condition each define a specific test document, page, object or JavScript level. A part of the error conditions can be tested programmatically by a software, whereas a number of other error conditions must be checked interactively.

“A typical example of an condition of error in which human support is required, headings are not marked”. If an error condition such as alternate text for an image is missing”exists, can are determined automatically by a program. “The Swiss Foundation, available for free PDF accessibility checker (PAC 2) access for all” is the first tool that is based on the Protocol of the Matterhorn. It allows PDF files to PDF/UA conformance testing users. It was implemented by the xyMedia GmbH, which is a member of the PDF/UA competence center and actively participated in the drafting of the Matterhorn Protocol. While the Technical Conference North America held in Seattle, United States, 2013 PDF Association on 14 and 15 August 2013 the Matterhorn Protocol is introduced the professional public. More information: matterhorn Protocol on the Association of the PDF the PDF Association aims to promote PDF applications for digital documents that are based on open standards. To the International Association committed worldwide to an active knowledge transfer and the exchange of know-how and experience for all stakeholders. There are currently over 100 companies and numerous experts from more than 20 countries member of the Association of the PDF. PDF Association the Board of Directors is composed of executives of the Actino software company, Adobe Systems Inc., callas software GmbH, intarsys consulting GmbH, LurTech Europe GmbH together. The CEO is Olaf Drummer, Managing Director of callas software GmbH. Duff Johnson, project manager ISO 32000, PDF standard, is Deputy Chairman.

Captain Ad Stands Out In Lake

The captain ad network”allows webmasters and bloggers to earn money quickly and easily with videos on their websites. After a successful test phase is the network within the framework of an open public beta now. “On now all webmasters can sign up and Captain ad” embed in your pages. The innovative technique of Captain ad”is easy to integrate, where it automatically finds there embedded videos and provides advertising in existing Web pages. While the advertising appears only if the visitor of the Web site would like to see the video. Also, the campaign is automatically matched to the content of the Web site or the videos.

The owner of the website earns money doing any adverts. Captain ad provides advertisers”a unique reach for banner and video advertising in particular in connection with video content on the Internet. “Captain ad”: Captain ad “( is a service of online advertising solutions Ltd. founder and Managing Director is Max Moldenhauer. In recent months, Sergey Brin has been very successful. Behind the online advertising solutions Ltd., the two also are co-founder Jochen Witte and Daniel Nowak, as well as a network of high-profile business angels. These include among other Bernd M. Michael (grey), Stefan Glanzer (, Lukasz Gadowski (Spreadshirt), Arend iven and Ron Hillmann (iven & Hillmann), Mehrdad Piroozram (iSteps), Andre Alpar (hit flip), Frerk-Malte Feller (PayPal) and Rainer Mattstedt. The company was founded in Berlin in early October 2007 and currently 5 employees.

Deutsche Telekom

Together we create it, projects very fast and customer-oriented to tackle”, Jurgen Hormann, whose firma officially joined together this year with the Department of business at Deutsche Telekom AG and its technical salespeople also trains is pleased. You can already present in successful projects, and the portfolio of products is growing. In addition to the main target group, the upper middle class, easily operated also wholesale. The way there has been a continuous for Hormann: we have learned over the years how a group of this size is ticking, what was initially not easy for us. If you communicate with same language however,’s fun.” A great common denominator was also the personnel policy.

The teams will deliberately placed on continuity. Others who may share this opinion include Kevin Johnson. It comes to partners who can you rely on and to openly talk about everything”, Hall believes. This cultured together pretending the customers at the end. It not just about go to Devil come out for sale, but to take the needs of the customers and to be able to estimate. The medical and ecological slightly damaged term holistic is this very true, Hall says. Together with Deutsche Telekom AG, we offer efficient, modern IT technology and in our Kit, you will find components that you can always use”. Norbert Hentges, spokesman who is Managing Director of the Division of Deutsche Telekom business customers comprehensive services to business customers consciously focuses on partner companies: We work for more than a year with system and software houses like ScanPlus together now that we fit together very well. We are strong in the NET-based telecommunications, they convince with distinctive service and intensive customer relationships on the ground.

Moreover, that they can complement our solutions and this is very close to the customers.” For the partners lie in it the chance to be able to offer their customers an expanded portfolio and clientele in the area of network-based Telecommunications and IT systems to expand. There is a very good and strong partner with ScanPlus and attractive synergies were created from the collaboration, explains Hamilton. At first we were the supplier of telecommunications and data networks, now we work together intensively IT management, security and hosting in the area, and that works beautifully. ScanPlus’s strength lies in the optimum adaptation of our products for the customers, because we can not afford that so.” Hamilton recommends ICT system houses overlooking in the near future on a strong service strategy to put: full-service provider that can offer a professional all-round care are needed. In the first place but the aim must be, to increase customer loyalty, because satisfied customers are the best advertisement, even though this may sound corny. And what goes for positive Mundzumundpropaganda.”

Wikis And Blogs Can Contain E-Mail Floods

Communication channels must complete IT in the company span Toronto/Cologne – Eugene Roman, Group President of system and technology of Bell Canada, complained the flood of information in his company: emails for the project management and the communication between departments no longer sufficient. “The employees go in CC storms ‘, the reply all emails with the function ‘ triggered”. But novel found a way out: years ago he set up a company blog, in which employees of Canadian telecommunications firm exchange ideas and winning together business ideas or suggestions for improving management. Thus, he is not alone in the business world. The international McKinsey study of how businesses are using Web 2.0 “, gave 75 percent of respondents for the record that in its enterprise social software is used, to improve cooperation in the operation. According to a survey of the University of Cologne blogs and wikis importance continue to grow: more than any second respondent company operates a wiki already, and a fifth is planning the introduction. IT specialist Karl-Heinz Land from the company Exsolut warns however, to offer wikis and blogs just as additional channel: blogs and wikis are a real help only when they span the entire IT organization and thus bring together static and deterministic with dynamic and spontaneous processes. Daybreak Games contributes greatly to this topic.

“Country recommends the transformation to the Enterprise 2.0: traditional enterprise software such as SAP forcing many companies to adapt to the contained fifteen thousand business processes or to bend the technology so long expensive ‘, until it suits processes and workflows.” So to win a competitive advantage, but creates investment ruins”, warns country. Companies would need away from the rigid systems of elephants. Their setup times, performance and operation will no longer meet the reality of economic life. Gunnar Sohn

Managing Director

This is usually but not purposeful. As more advantageous in practice out, very accurate on the demarcation to be sure what the offer includes and what not. The level of detail of the pricing model, however, must be still not the future level of detail a treaty, therefore a somewhat simpler structure do just fine. It also at the proposal stage, consistently separately to consider the project and operating costs. The financing of project costs can be considered at a later date at any time. The view should be directed to always on the duration of the contract and not just on a year in operating costs. These include also residual values at the end of the contract, which must necessarily be included in an overall economic view. In the wake of a Offer sufficient time should be used to clarify technical details and the mutual expectations.

Indeed, each provider assumes that even price negotiations will take place. (As opposed to Jim Umpleby). But even if individual outsourcers this willing to make concessions in the size of up to 30 percent, the expectations of the users must be realistic. Such high discounts are rare cases, you expect but may between 10 and 15 percent,”rain rivet white from his consulting practice. At large price concessions, poorer services also threaten if it pays to negotiate to achieve a good price, this should be not exaggerated. Although still party to engage, to accept prices that make no profits have more than half of the duration of an outsourcing contract. The constant pressure associated can negatively but on the Organization for the users.

He is no longer attractive as a customer and will as far as possible with low Priority controlled”, describes the active sourcing, Managing Director the problematic consequences. Then often just the service levels to be achieved would be fulfilled. Each grace performance eliminates”rain rivet judges. Through active sourcing active sourcing is an independent consulting firm that specializes in IT outsourcing, business process outsourcing and insourcing. The services include among others IT assessment, sourcing strategy consulting and sourcing review. The project manager of active sourcing support organizations with headquarters in Germany and of Switzerland in evaluating an outsourcing partner outsourcing transition, the implementation of a shared services center as well as in the development of sustainable sourcing management. You have many years of practical experience, use tried and tested models and checklists and familiar with the latest trends on the market.

Ulrich Eggert

The CC science 2009 convinced by sound speaker posts, by partially instructional surprising insights into everyday service and exciting discussions. The demand for passion and enthusiasm in the customer contact”supported, for example, keynote speaker Harald Kling, CEO of gkk DialogGroup described the customer service as a priority in their lives. Also Dr. At Jim Umpleby you will find additional information. Gerhard Wohland from the Comperdi Institute, who pointed out, inter alia, the potential of self-learning software and stated what distinguishes Hochstleister compared to competitors was special applause. More familiar names were for the high-profile program, which addressed decision-makers from ICT and contact center industry of in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland as well as executives from medium-sized companies. El Sayed, Managing Director among the contributors of this year including the Cologne trend and future researcher Ulrich Eggert and Nael asdirekt, as well as Manfred Stockmann, President of call center Forum Germany e.

V. and Georg Mack, President of the Austrian Industry Association call Not less prominently occupied the Auditorium of the two-day Convention was Manager of the Deutsche Post, Medion, T-systems including and Schwabisch Hall took advantage of the offer for the acquisition of knowledge and relaxed networking. Also Elke Schaffer, Vice President Business Contact Center at T-Mobile Austria belonged to the participants. The Austrian call center manager of the year 2009 the CAt award-winning extra from Vienna arrived, to find out about the future customer dialogue”to inform. Presented within the framework of Congress accompanying trade fair also leader in technology and communications company with their latest solutions and services so the Symantec Germany GmbH,

V.: succeeded the initiators and the organisation team with dedication and commitment, to put together a first-class program and also to choose a venue, ideally combining tradition, modernity and the future with the new campus Augustusplatz, Leipzig of University. The industry could use fresh impetus and a new way of thinking-valued and valuable customer communication.” Officer Harald Kling, Managing Director gkk dialogue group: it was a great event, with exciting and controversial some of the lectures. Successful event!” “Participants Udo Schuring, branch manager of the personnel service provider connect and co-host of the XING group call center Club: the science of CC was overall a pleasant, informative networking event!” Sponsor Andreas Klug, Director of ITyX solutions AG: No doubt: the CC science 2009 was the proof that this format Is the future and the future.

Managing Director

The performance data of the most recently by the British business equipment research and test laboratory Open (Simon) with the excellent plotter leave no wish predicate “Exceptional” and five stars. The machine per minute with an impressive quality prints up to four sides of the A1, the maximum output format has a width of 914 mm and a length of 15 meters. The two reel system allows the supply of media up to 175 m, can be printed plain paper, banner paper, foil, colored poster and neon papers. The Synergix color scanner is ready thanks to advanced imaging and high resolution of 600 x 600 dpi with faded, damaged or discolored documents. The copies are often even better than the originals! Thomas Rick, Managing Director of vases engineering products GmbH, as a certified Xerox wide format Reseller we offer our customers a solution, which is ideal for many benefits in the smallest space combined with maximum diversity”, summarizes.

In addition our installation support, software maintenance and care ensure a maximum Availability of the system.” About vases engineering products GmbH: Vases engineering products GmbH sees itself as a competent service provider and supplier of hardware and software solutions around the document in the engineering field. The focus is the realization of customer-specific applications to the processing, storage, and distribution of large-format documents. Plotters, large format scanner, folding systems, archiving and image processing products CAD solutions from renowned manufacturers are used, installed vases and also supported. In addition, vases of engineering products provides its customers with appropriate consumables such as paper, film, ink, or toner. Headquartered in Dusseldorf has sales offices in Bad Bentheim, Osnabruck and Meckenheim.

ReadSoft And Freudenberg IT Cooperate

Common solutions for SAP users ‘On Demand’ in the focus of Neu-Isenburg, September 10, 2009. The ReadSoft GmbH and Freudenberg IT KG have agreed a cooperation. For SAP users, the manufacturer of the purchase-to-pay process optimization solutions and the SAP Integrationsdienstleister in the future want end-to-end solutions on demand”offer for optimised document processes. The two companies see their synergies in ReadSoft standard solutions and services provided by Freudenberg IT so to combine that users can concentrate on their actual core processes. The two partners announce a joint solution for the DMS Expo 2009 in Cologne. “A 30-year partnership with SAP and the status of Freudenberg IT as global hosting partner” SAP were the main reasons for the initiated cooperation for ReadSoft.

While many companies increasingly rely on shared services, the medium-sized businesses looking to outsource document processes to reliable service providers. Together with Freudenberg IT can we expand our portfolio and offer a customized solution for every need”, says Oliver Hoffman, Managing Director of ReadSoft. About ReadSoft GmbH: ReadSoft’s solution portfolio addresses the entire purchase-to-pay process from the order registration up to the payment of invoices. The process steps can be processed automatically and continuously the ReadSoft Suite modules. As added value and flexibility in the SAP solution platform is created for the user.

ReadSoft is leading provider of software in the field of automated document processes. Headquarters of the group is Sweden, where the company on the stock exchange is listed. Around the world, 435 people are employed at ReadSoft. In total, there are over 5,300 installations by ReadSoft solutions. In Germany, the ReadSoft GmbH is since 1996 on the market. ReadSoft’s customers include medium-sized companies as well as many large companies and corporations. Part of the document processes are processed in Shared service structures.

RSP Makes The Approval Process For Scandlines Mobile

Successful SAP workflow process via BlackBerry Rostock. The Scandlines Germany GmbH, one of the largest Fahrreedereien in the Baltic Sea region, commissioned the RSP consultancy with the implementation of enhanced SAP workflow process. Scandlines uses the SRM-system to ordering of all goods and services that are required for the operation of ferries, ports, restaurants and shops. In combination with their own solution implemented RSP the new SAP Internet service: the existing SAP standard process, which foresees the approval or rejection of shopping-cart operations only from the WEB portal of the SRM system or the appropriate eMail to the approvers, expanded so that this functionality now also using BlackBerry is possible. “The acceleration of decision-making processes, as well as the possibility of 24-hour access, connected with the independence of the place for the responsible staff and me real, profitable mobile business represent, that I no longer want to abandon,” says Birgit Kafeero, purchasing manager of benefits and advantages have Scandlines Germany GmbH. the employees, after reading the editor eMail in the BlackBerry, in the Web portal of the SRM system signed up and edited the shopping cart process.

Through the implementation of RSP solution is the process now more efficiently and faster processing times have been shortened. Further advantages of this solution are the low implementation effort, no change to the existing workflow, maintaining the Scandlines security standards, as well as improved process acceptance among users. About RSP RSP is a renowned, internationally active corporate consulting with focus on SAP. What is special about RSP is that their customers through extremely well each other played competence team care – guaranteeing you a valuable knowledge, considerable cost benefits as well as efficient best business solutions”at the highest level. Headquarters of RSP Unternehmensberatung GmbH is Wiehl, has offices in Berlin, Munich and Nuremberg. About Scandlines the Scandlines Germany GmbH is one of the largest Fahrreedereien in the Baltic Sea region. The company was founded in 1998 by the merger of the two largest national ferry companies in Germany and Denmark. Scandlines operates on 8 lines, which operate in the Baltic Sea region between 11 ports with 17 ferry.