All the more proud, we, the social games publisher and Facebook through starter Nordeus are already longer helping and thus to be able to contribute our part in improving the profitability of its successful games with our technology”, Tom Sente, CEO of HoneyTracks GmbH. Gartner Inc., one of the leading and largest market research institutes in the field of technology, predicted already in June 2011 for the digital game industry even a worldwide growth of 20 percent with sales amounting to US$ 85 billion by 2015. The US market researcher DFC intelligence confirmed this positive statement with its forecast last month once again up to the year 2017 and a sales volume of $ 78 billion. Thus a worldwide fast growing business model for the future of global digital entertainment found only in the games industry, as Gartner Inc. already 2011 finished. Here is the big data analytics technology from HoneyTracks.
The number of live data, whose potential in the industry until today only is exploited, can it read in detail with the analytical tools of the Munich-based company in real time and used. The focus is on increasing the pleasure of the game, as well as on optimizing the monetization (such as economics) the respective title of the games. Also can be addressed more effectively to changing needs of players or new trends. The software solutions offered as software-as-a-service business model, short SaS can be implemented both during the phase of games developments after their release. The evaluated data are reprocessed customer requirements and accordingly graphically processed. The amount of data generated in our Division is growing rapidly. With the optimization software of HoneyTracks we succeed, raising the potential of these data and prepare them as needed. The results help us to make the right decisions”, says Marko Hein, Vice President games at Deutsche Telekom. In addition, HoneyTracks received with his powerful Technology already several awards: the young companies in the winning team of the best German big data start-ups was recorded within the framework of the IBM big data-SmartCamps 2012 and in the same year, SAP awarded in his HANA-start-up Forum HoneyTracks as the winner.